I just had to...

I got home from work around three. I didn't see anyone go to the house and I guess they finally brought the dog in because I don't see him either. I Have several well connected people within the rescue community on this so I think he is on his way to a better life.
You did the right thing, I think. I would have said something to them, and then called. I just read an article about a dog that was left outside and was literally frozen to the ground. The water in his bowl was frozen. It took 30 min of using warm water to unfreeze his paws from the ground. It's ridiculous what ppl think is ok cos it is a dog. Good for you for getting the dog out of there. And he/she will prolly be taken care if and adopted out. Let's hope for the best. :)
Oh yes you did good , we have had a little tiny dog running around for weeks and when all this ice and snow hit I called the pound to get it too as the poor thing would not come me .

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I got home from work around three. I didn't see anyone go to the house and I guess they finally brought the dog in because I don't see him either. I Have several well connected people within the rescue community on this so I think he is on his way to a better life.

What a great thing you did, more people need to take notice and do something when you know it is wrong. Makes me so sad the animals can get treated so badly. Hopefully he will get better treated now or a new loving home. Great job. Poor little thing.

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