How to tell if food is good choice?


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Dec 11, 2017
Chicago area
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I've done a lot of reading up on what to feed my tator tot. I ended up with Orijen puppy and have been feeding 2 cups a day for about 6 months. He really likes it but I notice his face always seems a bit pink and he's got tear stains. Wondering if he may be sensitive to the chicken in the food? Is it worth switching to something new? His coat is very soft however.
Some bulldogs donā€™t do well with chicken. You can stick to Orijen but maybe try a different protein.

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Yes, Cbrugs is right many bulldogs are sensitive or allergic to chicken and even beef. My male Bulldozer is allergic to 7 proteins and I've tried many different foods. Currently he's eating Venison which he's doing well on. I always try to look for a 5 to 6 Star food when choosing a dog food. Some examples are Fromms, Orijen, Acana, Go, Wellness, Blue Buffalo.

You can go to the Home page and look under the Dog Food Ratings. Choose a food from the 4, 5, and 6 Star list, and bullies do best on a single protein source and no grains or fillers.

Here is the Link to the Dog Food Ratings:

English Bulldog News Forums - Dog Food Ratings at English Bulldog News
If he's not scratching a lot, or licking his paws or pawing at his ears or shaking his head because of his ears, then you are doing well. However you can switch to any all stages dog food. You may even want to try a raw food or dehydrated raw food.
I've done a lot of reading up on what to feed my tator tot. I ended up with Orijen puppy and have been feeding 2 cups a day for about 6 months. He really likes it but I notice his face always seems a bit pink and he's got tear stains. Wondering if he may be sensitive to the chicken in the food? Is it worth switching to something new? His coat is very soft however.

Your dog has a white face or mostly white? If so, they WILL get tear stains n pinky tone. It's the pigmentation. Orijen is a very high quality kibble. Like mentioned, if no scratching, shaking head or licking feet usually isnt the food. The only thing the puppy orijen is very rich in calories. If hes gaining normal keep going but keep an eye out on the weight. You dont need to stick to orijen either ss Acana duck is great n less rich. Btw, only 2cups per day or 2x a day? 2 a day is not a lot for a puppy.
Agree... stick with Orijen grain free and choose a differnt protien
His face is mostly white. You can see his tear stains in pic. Vet said stick to 2 cups per day and according to their weight chart he should be at 2 cups as well. DD85D2DA-61F2-48E5-A2A1-8A2978CFD518.jpeg [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION]
His face is mostly white. You can see his tear stains in pic. Vet said stick to 2 cups per day and according to their weight chart he should be at 2 cups as well. View attachment 110148 @helsonwheels

make sure you wipe his folds daily to help keep them dry... eyes will tear if teething and if the food is not agreeing with them
[MENTION=17857]taytoD[/MENTION] - Some super EXCELLENT feeding advise given, but what helped for Ellie's tear stains was changing her to filtered/bottled water, silly I know...We also did the Orijen Puppy for Ellie.
His face is mostly white. You can see his tear stains in pic. Vet said stick to 2 cups per day and according to their weight chart he should be at 2 cups as well. View attachment 110148 [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION]

I figured he was a white face from what you described. Iā€™ve tried everything for stains. 2 things Iā€™ve noticed that seems to work is ACV. I add one capful in their drinking water. Also neither have any allergies towards any protein but.....I did notice when I give raw chicken (they eat raw in the morning), Dukeā€™s stains are much darker. After 5days of frozen chicken, I switch to another protein like lamb or turkey the stains are gone. So from my Sherlock Holmes thinking cap on, it has to be the chicken. I will wait a few months n reintroduce him the chicken again and see what happens. :detective2:
[MENTION=17857]taytoD[/MENTION] - Some super EXCELLENT feeding advise given, but what helped for Ellie's tear stains was changing her to filtered/bottled water, silly I know...We also did the Orijen Puppy for Ellie.

Also make sure the dog bowls are stainless steel, not plastic. It would also help to give a doggie probiotic such as Herbsmith Microflora Plus or Proviable DC. Or, if you can't get that, sauerkraut from refrigerator section of health food store, kefir or green tripe.

You can also try cleaning dog's wrinkles with colloidal silver sprayed on a cotton ball ;or cleaning using round cosmetic pads with ketoconazole/chlorhexidine shampoo such as Ketohex or Curaseb and rinsing it out and then drying it.

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