How big will she get?

Do you know how big her parents were? Sometimes that helps give an average of how big she could be. :)
She will probably get bigger, the average weight for a female bully is 45 to 55 lbs. Our Bebe weights 56 lbs, but out Lucy only weighs 48 lbs. So since she is 44 already, I would say she will get a little over 50, as long as she is not over weight when she gets full grown. You should not see the ribs but still be able to feel hem when you press firmly, and they should have a little waist too. Plus if she's still on puppy food I would switch her over to adult food soon. Just watch her weight so she does not become over weight.
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She weighs 40 lbs right now. 44 was my guess where her growing is going to stop, but I guess my guess might be wrong. :) She's quite petite, though, so I don't expect much more, but what do I know. :)

Her parents are quite a lot bigger, but her grandmother (or great-grandmother, not sure) is EXACTLY the same size Lola is right now (maybe just a bit more), also looks almost exactly the same, so I guess she got most of her genes.
Emma's 7.5 months now and last weekend she weighed 35lbs. She's quite petite but so were here parents. Wilson is following suit on his parents, he's always been stocky but short.
Lola gained her last 5 pounds around a year, she went from 38 holding strong to 44 at 1 year and 2 months. lots of time still for your pup to fill out....
My katara is 43 lbs at 10 months. I have hears that they fill up 5 more pounds or so during years 1-2. She did gain from 38lbs to 43 from 7-10 months. My guess is Katara will be around 48 lbs and Lola 46 :)

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