House is too empty, Is it too soon for a new pup


Supreme Overlord of Awesomeness
Community Veteran
Dec 31, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
I woke up this morning to an empty house. Noone to snuggle in bed, no one to take for a walk. NOTHING can ever ever ever replace my boy , but i woke up and thought about maybe getting another dog. SOmebully to be here with me. I know that another dog will never be as good, or as special,and nothing can take his place. But will it help with the horrible sadness I have or the emptyness I feel. Is it wrong to think of another dog already?
Not at all! I waited 2 years after we lost Baby- and it helped me heal once I finally did get another. The only drawback is that right now you miss Dozer so much, you may be in comparison mode. If you feel another could ever be as special as Dozer, you should wait. But I know you are around dogs all the time, so make sure you won't have that feeling that you could never love your new pup as much as him, because it won't be fair to your new dog. I would suggest getting a female maybe so it would be easier not to compare the two. Hugs!!
definitely not wrong! i cannot image how alone i'd feel without my Brooklyn and although loved ones can never be replaced others can fill the void and be special to you in totally different ways. i had also seen your other post, i didn't post anything because i know there is nothing i can do or say to make you feel any better and i was busy sobbing all over my laptop. are you returning him to the vet for an autopsy? also i saw he was only 11 months old, did your breeder give you any health guarantee?
[MENTION=2514]Sarah[/MENTION], I rescued Dozer from a family thought bought him and within 1 week put him in a garage in November! No breeder so no guarantee. No i'm not returning him to the vet. I burried him under his favorite tree in the yard yesterday. At least that way he will always be near us. He jsut needed to come home and be with his family. Nothing would bring him back so I didn't want to leave him alone. I promised him the dya I got him, I would never leave him and He would always be safe at home with me. I feel like I failed him. I never left him alone. He even went to work with me. It was so hard to leave him out there last night. I know it sounds weird but I felt like leaving him there was abandoning him.
This is such a heartbreaking story. No one on the website would be surprised if you cried every day for a month, nor would people fault you for wanting another bully in your life asap. In my mind they are truly the most amazing companions. Good luck, stay strong.
It's not wrong at all. After my first bully Bella died ( it will be 2 years this month) I couldn't even look at other dogs, other peoples pets included. A year later we ended up with Ruckus. It just depends on when you and your family are ready. I still think about Bella and the "what ifs" every day, and there are still tears, but the smiles from the memories that you will have and hold in your heart forever seem to ease the pain as time goes on.
It is not wrong to think of another dog now. These dogs are so special and loving that I could not imagine living without one. Just know that another one will not be the same or as special as Dozer was, but will be special in their own way. I would take your time looking for one and when you find the right one it will feel right. Please keep us updated on the search, we are here for you and would love to hear stories of Dozer. God Bless.
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[MENTION=1950]goobers mom[/MENTION] Thanks, I fixed it =). We have been talking all day about a new puppy, and about rescuing a bulldog. When Dozer was with us we had decided not to get another dog because we didn't want him to have to share the attention. For a brief time we had taken in a pit bull, but she was not at all kind to Dozer and went to live with my sister, shortly afetr arriving. The thought of another dog almost feels like a betrayel (sp) to him. But another dog will not take his place. It may just help to cheer things up a bit around here. I think we are looking in that direction. I guess I will see where my heart takes me. I think we would like another puppy. I know rescue dogs need homes, but I think part of the bond we have with him was becuase he was so little when we got him. Any thoughts on a puppy vs. a rescue?
no thoughts on a puppy vs. a rescue but only that you will know the right dog when they pick you!!! There will never be another Dozer, but he wouldn't want you to be sad and lonely and I think he would approve of you getting another dog to love.
I agree with everyone your heart you will know when the right time is and it might just be right away! We lost our sweet rottie in sept to bone was very traumatic because we only had 3 weeks from diagnosis to her death..I can't begin to feel your pain with absolutely no idea there was a problem. We had decided we were going to wait a long time for another dog..but guess what? In December I found out about jakes litter..and even though emotionally I never would've gone looking..I'm so glad I did! He has filled a giant hole and I hope you find the perfect baby for you! :hug:
@Sarah , I rescued Dozer from a family thought bought him and within 1 week put him in a garage in November! No breeder so no guarantee. No i'm not returning him to the vet. I burried him under his favorite tree in the yard yesterday. At least that way he will always be near us. He jsut needed to come home and be with his family. Nothing would bring him back so I didn't want to leave him alone. I promised him the dya I got him, I would never leave him and He would always be safe at home with me. I feel like I failed him. I never left him alone. He even went to work with me. It was so hard to leave him out there last night. I know it sounds weird but I felt like leaving him there was abandoning him.

That's just his body there... not his spirit That will always be with you!! I have a special poem about that. I love poems so much... they always capture the best words. Hope you don't mind:

We Have A SecretWe have a secret, you and I, that no one else shall know,
For who but I can see you lie each night in fire glow?
And who but I can reach my hand before we go to bed
And feel the living warmth of you And touch your silken head?
And only I walk woodland paths and see ahead of me,
Your small form racing with the wind so young again, and free.
And only I can see you swim in every brook I pass
And when I call, no one but I can see the bending grass.
you have the Love and compassion in your heart so why not share it with another dog. You take nothing away from the memory of your Bully.When my daughters 14 year old service dog died in July I figured it would be some time before she would want another. That dog was for some years the only friend she had. I credit him with saving he life on more than one occasion. She still cries for that dog . But within 10 days she was online checking the shelters for her new friend and companion. She found a pup she wanted to check out to see if he would be up to the training . I took her to the shelter, she spent some time with the pup and we now have a new member of the family.
Finding a new pup to share your life does not in any way take from the love you had for your pup.
There is no dog that will or could ever replace sweet dozer. But i know exactly how u feel. My boston of 11 years died and we had talked before her passing that we didnt want another animal period. We were gonna be animal free. But deep in my heart I knew I would never be able to function much less heal withoit a would never be the same but it would be something to help fill a portion of the void. We got a puppy and I have never regretted doing it so soon. Not a day passes that i dont think about mia
And our wonderful years together.
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