
Vermont Millie

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May 19, 2011
Southern, Vermont
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Mildred (Millie, mildew, mil- a- stroni)
My 1.5 year old EB millie appears to have hives. There are small bumps on her sides and on her belly. There hasn't been any change in food (Merrick Before Grain) and I haven't washed her/her bedding in about a week. Are hives in dogs just caused by plants and things or is it something bigger? Our housemate did just get a 10 month old pitbull today so I was thinking it could be stress?

I gave her a benadryl the vet had given me a while back.. only 25 mg and she ways 43. Hopefully that stops the itching :( Anything else I should do?

Photo on 2012-03-17 at 20.01 #2.jpg i don't have a picture of the hives.. but I thought this one was tooo funny. :ROFL: :heart:


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Jan 3, 2012
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If the benedryl doesn't make the hives go might consider the possibility of a staph any of the bumps have a crusty/scaly center? I've made that mistake in the past...benedryl will have no effect on staph (will need antibiotics).... Hope pup feels better soon.

kim n the guys

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Apr 3, 2011
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Oliver got hives once when his face wrinkles and ears got an infection from his environmental allergies. Still haven't figured out exactly what he's allergic to, though now the only symptoms he has his goobery eyes! Remy seems to be allergic to any kind of topical flea prevention. Doesn't matter the brand, as soon as I put it on him (only twice), he runs around to get in his crate, rubs his back all over the sides and floor of his crate and whines and barks, then the hives appear. This lasts for about 14 hours. Needless to say, he has to be on a chewable flea preventative from now on. Like everyone else said, if the benadryl doesn't help, a vet visit is needed.
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I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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you can give 1 mg benedryl per pound.... she may have gotten bitten by something or rubbed up against a plant or tree she is allergic to
Vermont Millie

Vermont Millie

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May 19, 2011
Southern, Vermont
Bulldog(s) Names
Mildred (Millie, mildew, mil- a- stroni)
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I've been giving her 25mg Benadryls because I only have capsule kinds... so I didn't want to give 2 25mg as she is only 43 pounds. The hives haven't gone away yet the seem to have spread if anything. Should I give her 50 mg? She's inching like crazy


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
I've been giving her 25mg Benadryls because I only have capsule kinds... so I didn't want to give 2 25mg as she is only 43 pounds. The hives haven't gone away yet the seem to have spread if anything. Should I give her 50 mg? She's inching like crazy

yes.... give her 50mg 2x a day


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
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Oh poor baby! Just checking to see how things are? I hope things are better and the itching stopped.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk so that explains my grammar :)


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Jul 30, 2011
Bellevue, WA
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I've been giving her 25mg Benadryls because I only have capsule kinds... so I didn't want to give 2 25mg as she is only 43 pounds. The hives haven't gone away yet the seem to have spread if anything. Should I give her 50 mg? She's inching like crazy

Hi! Rocco gets hives on and off and we find that sometimes it is related to food changes, sometimes it is related to airborne allergies, and sometimes we just don't know what is the cause. Benadryl was our first choice when he was initially getting hives, but it really knocked him out and didn't seem to be that effective in getting rid of the hives quickly (sometimes took 6 hours or more for them to resolve). We asked the vet if he had something better and he gave us Hydroxyzine 50 mg. We give it to Rocco as soon as we see a hive (1 pill, in peanut butter) 3 x per day if they seem to be coming back. Otherwise just one dose seems to do well.

You should let the vet know about the hives next time your bully is in for a visit. We did find that Rocco has a sensitivity to mites. So we have him on Revolution (1 x per month). This really seemed to help. We keep the hydroxyzine on hand as needed in case he gets hives again but it has been months and months (over 5+ months) without an outbreak.

Good luck!

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