Hey hi hello


Active member
Apr 11, 2021
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hey everyone! I finally figured out how to log back into my account, idk what happened but I'm back! Bear and I have missed everyone's antics and the man himself wanted to say hello! Bear is doing excellent, he's as healthy as can be and is full of life! He's somewhat of a pain in my behind some days but he more than makes up for it with that face, I want to punch him sometimes he's so cute. Is that normal? Probably not, anyway how is everyone? Here's a couple of photos he's really grown into his neck roll.


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Welcome back! And yes it is normal to feel that way hahahahaha! Bear is looking great!
Hey, good to see you! Bear looks great-and I want to kiss his face! He looks great.
Hey everyone! I finally figured out how to log back into my account, idk what happened but I'm back! Bear and I have missed everyone's antics and the man himself wanted to say hello! Bear is doing excellent, he's as healthy as can be and is full of life! He's somewhat of a pain in my behind some days but he more than makes up for it with that face, I want to punch him sometimes he's so cute. Is that normal? Probably not, anyway how is everyone? Here's a couple of photos he's really grown into his neck roll.
So good to see that sweet face Bear!!
HEY -- welcome back! so good to see you both and happy to hear he is a true P.I.T.A..... gotta love them! Cuteness saves them every time
Hey there….Welcome back to both…..
Bear is growing into a beautiful boy. Everything he’s been through it‘s just amazing how he pulled through. Gotta love da Bear‼️

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