

New member
Dec 15, 2021
England U.K.
Bulldog(s) Names
Our Merle bulldog Maximus is now 6 month old. We had issues with chewing etc since day 1. But as time has gone on it went from settling to happening again. It was only our hands or feet or his toys but now itā€™s anything. Heā€™s ripping up laminate flooring, chewed a hole in the wooden fence outside.
I know some may say boredom but he has constant 24/7 attention and never left alone as always someone home.

I feel weā€™ve got the devils dog he just changed. Ripping beds up, destroying pillows šŸ˜… we did look into and booked him in for the chop bit unsure if thatā€™s going to change his same sudden ways. He gets walked everyday . New toys continually.

Every day is a battle. He now likes to jump and bite for no reason. Our little boy is now scared of him. You tell Maximus stop bed and he just jumps and attempts to bite.
Why oh why is my gorgeous little puppy just getting worse?
We tried puppy training sessions ? New toys, new bed etc.

Iā€™m beyond physically and mentally exhausted it a daily battle šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


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It sure sounds like this fella' has not had REAL rules from day one. It sounds like he has been in charge from day one.I am a total dog lover and have had many breeds of dogs. They have rules, and learn from the beginning-though when they are little pups, it takes a lot of repeating and distracting them from the "wrong" things that they are doing. I start with crate training from day one. If I am not home to watch them, they are in their crate. At night, they sleep in their crate. All of mine never get in the "habit" of chewing what's not allowed because they don't get the chance!
I believe if you are not going to breed-castrate or spay. I think now would be a good time for it to be done. Get a crate, just big enough for him to turn around/ lay down in give him two toys that he can not destroy, put him in crate when he comes home after castration. Put him in when you are not able to watch him. To re train him will take alot of work, and having him on a leash at home. That way you can grab it and correct him when he puts his teeth on anything taboo.
Ask your veterinarian to check his mouth/teeth while he is asleep just to make sure there is not a problem.
Re-training is always ALOT harder than training from day one. You have got to be dedicated-also if he jumps on children, or anyone, pull him down with the leash and say "NO jumping!" My dogs (5) do not use crates any more, and have a toybox, never chew anything but their own, when I am out. Never got that habit. Other members may have other suggestions, but all will take a lot of work on your part(and others who may live with you.)
He has a crate which he uses fine. Sleeps Iā€™m on night and stays there if we out. Been in since day 1.
He had lots of rules- he doesnā€™t go upstairs or on furniture which he knows. But he like a demon dog when he gets going like a bull in China shop.
He is booked in for neuter for Friday 22nd April.
We attend dog training sessions which are great although heā€™s a lot more stubborn or distracted easier.
It not been a easy ride since bringing him home- but he had slowly learnt Iv been more concerned about the way he behaves it doesnā€™t get any better just worse. The chewing is random- as he has toys, attention, we play with him, he goes on walks. He never chewed furniture etc until now it been laminate flooring or fence outside etc.
It has came on randomly as he stopped being nippy and then it came back. He had alot of adult teeth also which made us more concerned when he chomps down on us.
At 6 months old, he is still a puppy and learning the ropes and will test his boundaries. Bulldogs generally should be neutered as close to a year as possible for growth reasons.
Could still be teething although I would have thought that would be done.
Beyond that possible reason for the chewing you need to follow Manydogs sound advice.
Max has turned the corner and lost bite inhibition. To him itā€™s playā€¦and OK to bite. If he really wanted to injure you he could easily crush bone, remove parts of your body. The time to correct this is Right Now. If not, I fear he will be lost.
Seek professional help to train you how to train and manage him. He needs a default behavior right away.
If he gets the opportunity to rip up a laminate floor or dismantle a fence then heā€™s not being supervised enough.
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I agree with @oscarmayer that "he's not supervised enough" for behavior correction if he gets enough time to rip up your floor before you notice it. It's just not possible to be on the dog 100% of the time. And he needs it at this time.

@Manydogs gave you very good advice.

I'm going to give my 2 cents:

Use the crate.

He only gets out of the crate when your attention is primarily on the dog. If you're cooking or doing something else as your primary activity, then the dog goes in the crate. When your attention is primarily on the dog then you can immediately correct his chewing behavior before he gets to bite/chew/destroy anything.

If you don't have a "Stop" command yet, now is the time to learn it. Stop/No/Look-at-me/whatever else you choose ... it's a command that tells the dog to give you his attention. My dogs are taught "Uh-uh!". When I say that they look at me. Which gives me a way to show them my displeasure of what they're doing and give them something better to do.

Good luck.
Stinkers need constant reinforcement and at times they regress and you have to go back to basics

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