

New member
Mar 27, 2013
United states
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My name is Rick and have a 1 year old EB Bode. Unfortunately we got some news from vet that he thinks Bode has ruptured ACL rear leg. Wondering if anyone has been through this? Have appt. with specialist next week for 2nd evaluation and possible surgery
Thank you very much!!
:welcome3: We don't have any experience to share regarding the ACL issue here, but I'm sure the members who do will be along shortly. Good luck to Bode and you however it goes.
Welcome! I have not had this experience but check back tomorrow as I know others have. I remember there is a whole documented diary on here somewhere too. Hopefully I can find it for you. If not I bet [MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION] can.
[MENTION=2014]JeannieCO[/MENTION] has also been through this too I think?

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Welcome! I have not had this experience but check back tomorrow as I know others have. I remember there is a whole documented diary on here somewhere too. Hopefully I can find it for you. If not I bet @cali~jenn can.
@JeannieCO has also been through this too I think?

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Found it. ;)

welcome! Cutty had his acl surgery gosh over a year ago now? I can't keep track of time anymore but I added to that thread when we went thru it. His surgery was the easier of the 3 types I believe. His weight is right at about 50 pounds which makes him a good candidate for that one, along with the type of injury of course. The hardest thing about it was keeping him locked down for the 6 weeks. Felt like 6 months and he was bored which is very dangerous. Lol I had him locked in my bedroom rather than crating and had direct access to potty outside from there so that helped. If you have any questions just ask. Many others have gone thru this as well and can offer much help. ;)
I'm sorry I dont have anything on the ACL issue but would like to :welcome3: you and Bode to EBN.
We can't THANK YOU ALL enough!!! This is the place that we needed. Everyone is very nice and forthcoming with information. Now I know what people mean when they say " Unless you own a Bulldog, You'll never know!" . This is his favorite,

:smileywelcome: to EBN.... LOL... thaanx for the giggle this morning with your video. ;) We are glad you joining and hope you will continue to participate. :)
Hi Rick. I have a lot of experience with my pitbull when tore his CCL (that's the canine ACL). He ended up having to have a TPLO surgery and then a second one on the other rear leg 1.5 years later. I have to take all 3 of my guys to the vet for shots in just a bit so I'll come back later and fill you in. Will Bode have a TPLO or just a repair?

Are you in So. Calif.? I see you're going in for a 2nd evaluation. If you need a reference for where Ace had his done (we were living in So. Calif. at the time), there's an EXCELLENT place in Irvine.

I'll be back later. Sorry Bode tore his ccl.
Hi JeannieCO, I live in MA and vet referred to specialist. My appt. is April 10 and guess they'll look at X-rays from vet and do their own eval to see if surgery req'd. Found out couple surgeries offered but 1 is not for him, the other more probable where they notch out bone? Should I assume that if one leg is done the other will follow?? Breeder also recommended nairs surgery at same time. Thank you

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Hi JeannieCO, I live in MA and vet referred to specialist. My appt. is April 10 and guess they'll look at X-rays from vet and do their own eval to see if surgery req'd. Found out couple surgeries offered but 1 is not for him, the other more probable where they notch out bone? Should I assume that if one leg is done the other will follow?? Breeder also recommended nairs surgery at same time. Thank you

that is more than common having the next leg go as well. From what my vet said, often the other is already bad which caused them to favor it, putting too much weight on this leg and straining. They xrayed cuttys other knee when they did the surgery (this was my 2nd opinion so they didn't take the first set of X-rays) and thankfully for us that is not the case. Cutty is older as well (7) so we just don't allow for much fetch anymore to try and keep him from hurting himself again. Sad but soooo much better than the torture of surgery another time. The lock down was awful for him, he didn't understand why he couldn't player be with us in the rest of the house.

Oh by the way, I LOVED watching this video!! What a handsome boy you have! Too bad he isn't more spoiled tho. ;) love the maze!
Thanks Cali~Jenn, we were trying to figure out the cause. Unfortunately we noticed sympton(raised leg) after he went and played outside (iced snow), felt bad b/c he really has a blast running through and eating snow. Dont know if freak accident or hereditary cause siblings havent had issue, Bode is so young.
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Thanks Cali~Jenn, we were trying to figure out the cause. Unfortunately we noticed sympton(raised leg) after he went and played outside (iced snow), felt bad b/c he really has a blast running through and eating snow. Dont know if freak accident or hereditary cause siblings havent had issue, Bode is so young.
Cutty was the same, came out of nowhere and couldn't use his leg at all for a few days, then learned how to walk like he had crutches before starting to use it again a little. The leg lift when he ate was my only clue it was more than a twist or sprain cuz he went back to using it pretty quickly. Was also my clue when his surgery was really healed when he stopped lifting it during meals. In our case it wasn't genetics. His breeder said she hadnt had an acl issue since like 20 years before.

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