Gypsy & Gator Have Bronchitis


I am in total control....I think
Feb 25, 2011
Louisville, KY
Bulldog(s) Names
Gator & Lucy Goosey, the Basset and Gigi (AKA Gypsy)
Yup...sick, sick, sick!!!

Well, apparently my mother kenneled her two bulldog puppies for 6 days and the day she picked them up, they came here. Turns out, the kennel did not care for them properly and her boy Duke got stressed out and caught a cold and it also triggered demodex mange. Her girl, Martha, also got sick. BUT we didn't know they were sick when they got here as it was the same day she picked them up. Plus, I didn't know she had kenneled them at all until after she got here.

At any rate, we didn't know they had a cold at first. The first day we did see the mange and it didn't look good at all. It was all over him. So, she took him to our vet and he diagnosed the mange after a scraping plus gave them both an antibiotic.

This was on Tuesday. On Thursday morning, Gypsy woke up with green, crusty snot all over her face! She was acting normal so I cleaned her up and had her rest. I made a vet appt for Friday. Friday morning she had green crusty stuff all over her face again and was very lethargic. She did eat normally. So I go to work and left early to get her for the vet. When I got home, my mom said Gator had been coughing all day! So I loaded them both up and took them. They x-rayed Gypsy because she was pretty bad. Luckily, the x-ray didn't look too bad but she said it looked like it had progressed to bronchitis. So she put them both on an antibiotic. Today, they seem a *little* better. The vet said if she hadn't shown improvement by Monday afternoon to bring her back because we are afraid it will progress to pneumonia. I am afraid of a few things.....

1. That it will turn into pneumonia in both of them.
2. That the antibiotic and her illness will AGAIN lower her immune system thus causing the mange to flare back up (it was all better with the hair growing back).

Also, had Gator confirmed with entropian. We knew it was an issue since he was four months but I had hoped that as his head changed and he grew, it might improve. He is almost 11 months now so I think we will most likely need surgery. I got the number for the best ophthalmology in to expert in town but I need to wait until he is better.

And so we keep rolling on! I switched them to raw and saw so many improvements and now this set-back. Grrrr.....

On a side note, Duke (mom's pup) is looking lots better. She is using a shampoo the vet gave her every other day, is giving him yogurt and fish oil, and rubbing a 50/50 solution of lavender oil and neem oil on him one to two times a day to help kill the surface mites as well as soothe his itching. It is actually working very well and we have seen a marked improvement. She will take him to her vet at home on Tuesday to start an actual treatment. Also, the antibiotic did much in improving their condition as far as their colds are concerned. They are both much better.
:ohmy: certainly have a lot swirling around you! AND you are back to work! :whew: hope this doesn't interfere with how well the guys were doing on their raw diet! Kennels..I's almost impossible to feel comfortable leaving your pets!?
I just feel so bad! My mom feels even worse. She just kept apologizing. I tried to tell her that it wasn't her fault. She didn't know they were sick when she got here and by the time we did know, it was too late.

Funny thing though....the vet called me in to see Gypsy's x-ray and she goes, "I think she ate something she shouldn't have". I was like, um, breakfast??? I told her we raw feed and she laughed and goes, well that would explain what it is (bones)! I was so relieved she didn't lecture me. Actually, she didn't even blink! What a relief!
I just feel so bad! My mom feels even worse. She just kept apologizing. I tried to tell her that it wasn't her fault. She didn't know they were sick when she got here and by the time we did know, it was too late. Funny thing though....the vet called me in to see Gypsy's x-ray and she goes, "I think she ate something she shouldn't have". I was like, um, breakfast??? I told her we raw feed and she laughed and goes, well that would explain what it is (bones)! I was so relieved she didn't lecture me. Actually, she didn't even blink! What a relief!
Okay..that's too funny! And I LOVE the way the vet approached it! :rofl: imagine what she thought when she spied BONES!!! Bahahahahahahaha ! No one should feel bad..tell your mom..Jake says. :poo: happens! It's like our skin kids..always something! :hug: to ALL of you....
Oh no!! so much all at once...hope they both get well soon :hug: and Lucy snuggles to you all.
Oh man that's a bummer, hope they all get better real soon. That's why I hate kenneling out babies. We found a guy close to our home that does pet sitting and will come to our house to let them out , exercise them and feed them if we ever go out of town, this way they stay at home and safe. The last time I kenneled two of my dogs, Missy the Beagle and Buddy they both came home sick with a bad case of diarrhea. I said then no more kennels.
Oh man that's a bummer, hope they all get better real soon. That's why I hate kenneling out babies. We found a guy close to our home that does pet sitting and will come to our house to let them out , exercise them and feed them if we ever go out of town, this way they stay at home and safe. The last time I kenneled two of my dogs, Missy the Beagle and Buddy they both came home sick with a bad case of diarrhea. I said then no more kennels.

Yeah, my mom will NOT be kenneling her dogs again after this. Her poor pups did not come out of it well.
Yup...sick, sick, sick!!!

Well, apparently my mother kenneled her two bulldog puppies for 6 days and the day she picked them up, they came here. Turns out, the kennel did not care for them properly and her boy Duke got stressed out and caught a cold and it also triggered demodex mange. Her girl, Martha, also got sick. BUT we didn't know they were sick when they got here as it was the same day she picked them up. Plus, I didn't know she had kenneled them at all until after she got here.

At any rate, we didn't know they had a cold at first. The first day we did see the mange and it didn't look good at all. It was all over him. So, she took him to our vet and he diagnosed the mange after a scraping plus gave them both an antibiotic.

This was on Tuesday. On Thursday morning, Gypsy woke up with green, crusty snot all over her face! She was acting normal so I cleaned her up and had her rest. I made a vet appt for Friday. Friday morning she had green crusty stuff all over her face again and was very lethargic. She did eat normally. So I go to work and left early to get her for the vet. When I got home, my mom said Gator had been coughing all day! So I loaded them both up and took them. They x-rayed Gypsy because she was pretty bad. Luckily, the x-ray didn't look too bad but she said it looked like it had progressed to bronchitis. So she put them both on an antibiotic. Today, they seem a *little* better. The vet said if she hadn't shown improvement by Monday afternoon to bring her back because we are afraid it will progress to pneumonia. I am afraid of a few things.....

1. That it will turn into pneumonia in both of them.
2. That the antibiotic and her illness will AGAIN lower her immune system thus causing the mange to flare back up (it was all better with the hair growing back).

Also, had Gator confirmed with entropian. We knew it was an issue since he was four months but I had hoped that as his head changed and he grew, it might improve. He is almost 11 months now so I think we will most likely need surgery. I got the number for the best ophthalmology in to expert in town but I need to wait until he is better.

And so we keep rolling on! I switched them to raw and saw so many improvements and now this set-back. Grrrr.....

On a side note, Duke (mom's pup) is looking lots better. She is using a shampoo the vet gave her every other day, is giving him yogurt and fish oil, and rubbing a 50/50 solution of lavender oil and neem oil on him one to two times a day to help kill the surface mites as well as soothe his itching. It is actually working very well and we have seen a marked improvement. She will take him to her vet at home on Tuesday to start an actual treatment. Also, the antibiotic did much in improving their condition as far as their colds are concerned. They are both much better.

Green? Green stuff ? Any color but Green was the word of advice when i was in Nursing school. So, the dogs caught a cold, which went to Bronchitis. ? Were the dogs who went into the Kennel ever vaccinated for Kennel Cough ???? Bronchitis and Pneumonia of course are very serious. I'm sorry to hear the dogs have to go thru this .......

The Entropion issue is a separate one. Maximus has been seeing an Opthamologist for almost a year - His dx. of Entropion indicated he would need surgery - the VET stapled his eyes 3x. The last time he removed the staples and so far so good. He does not feel that Max will need surgery at this time. But he did indicate that Max is still growing and he is hoping, like you said, his face and head will continue to grow and Pull out the flaps of skin around his eyes. Thanks goodness. I wasn't prepared to handle a $2,000.00 surgery bill.

Keep us posted on the dogs and the Bronchitis.....I am concerned and hope they feel better soon.
I hope the dogs all begin to feel better soon and your mom can relax. Things happen and it's not like she did it on purpose. Makes me kinda glad we can't really afford to go on vacations or even away for the weekend, but the few times we have, my sister in law kindly takes my dogs to her house and watches them.
[MENTION=701]Maximus[/MENTION], yup, Gypsy's was GREEN but today it was yellow and not green. All of the dogs were vaccinated for kennel cough. I know for sure on mine, and my mom had her dogs vaccinated for it as soon as she brought them home from the breeder at their first vet check. So, not kennel cough. Both seem to be doing a *bit* better today. Their breathing doesn't sound raspy and there was less discharge from Gypsy's nose and it wasn't green so I am hoping that we are moving in the right direction. Lucy, on the other hand, is fine. She doesn't like the puppies and will bark and snap at them if they come near her.

Yeah, I am going to make an appointment for Gator at the eye guy next week and see what he says. Hopefully it won't cost too much. I (and my vet) think it is just the right eye.

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