Gracie helped pass out Halloween Candy.


Aug 4, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
Bulldog(s) Names
(HRH) Her Royal Highness Princess Gracie & Princess Amelia Pond (Amy)
She wasn't super thrilled with the job, because it involved being outside and that's her least favorite place to be. But she did an excellent job sitting at my feet and looking adorable in her pumpkin costume. Several of the kids and parent's just loved her. She got lot's of pets, and seemed to enjoy that part.

We even learned of a bully that lives a few blocks away because the kids came up for their candy, then went running back to their mom telling her she had to see the dog that looked like hers, so she came up and talked to us about him.

Bruce will post a couple pictures he took in the next post. I can't figure out the picture posting thing from my Ipad.
"I'll do it but don't expect me to look happy about it; and can't you dress me warmer, huh?"

"Ok, I'll sit here on the porch and look cute,siiigh"

"Do ya see any more coming, can we go in now?"

"Ok Kid, get the candy a leave me alone, I was sleepin'"

"Isnt that cute, Thing1, Thing2, and Cat in the Hat. Can we go in now?"
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looks like someone missed their nap yesterday lol.... she's soooooo stinkin cute love her expressions. both my boys would have tried to leave with each kid lol....
How cute! We don't do trick or treating until tonight, very excited!!

Gracie looks adorable!!!
Oh she sits so well! She looks so cute!!! Ours is tonight also, I am going to have the door open so Vegas can watch, but unfortunately I am going to have to put up the baby gate, he is a little bit to wild and would not sit still and I don't trust that he would not do the "usual" with company and "hump" them, lol
We live in the city of Milwaukee and they do a citywide t or t this afternoon. Being a large city it is in the afternoon because it is safer. Last night was our neighborhood org. t or t closely supervised and we even had a couple of policemen on bicycles patrolling. We'll pretend we arent home this afternoon when the city t or t is happening.. lol Gracie did quite well last nite and just sat there and let the kids pet her that wanted to. She had her stitches taken out in the morning and then we forced her to go shopping (wait til you see her new outfits) afterward so she had a busy day. She is snoring at my feet right now :)
that is really a great idea tho, much safer that way!
How do you find all these cute clothes for her? I can't wait to see photos! How much does the princess weight?
Gracie weighs 40 lbs. We find most of the clothes at Petsmart, But have also bought an outfit each at Petco, Pet World and Pet Supply Plus.

We have some people who live in our neighborhood that are quite active in the neighborhood association. We aren't all that active, but do 'go along' on things like the neighborhood TorT because it's better for our neighborhood kids that way. If we're not passing out "penny" candy to half the city then the neighborhood kids get a better treat. :) We still ran out of candy last night in about an hour and 15 minutes. We'd gotten enough to cover 130 kids.
Wow thats alot of candy!!! I bet they came up there more to see Gracie than candy. You could have gave out Bully Kisses lol
That's a great idea seeing there's so many kids that stop by. And the princess is still the life of the party, great job!
Aweee that is soo cute.. We dont get trick or treaters at our house we are too far apart from the other neighbors plus it really dark... We went to a party this afternoon and the kids are pooped and dont want to go T or T lol..

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