Fruits and Veggies


New member
Dec 28, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Annabella (Belly) and Bob Dylan
What kinds of fruits and veggies are ok to give to Bullies? Belly loves frozen greenbeans. I think it helps with her teething. I'd like to have a wide variety so she doesn't get bored with the same old stuff.
yep anything except onions, grapes and raisins. I keep frozen lima beans and green beans on hand and fresh baby carrots are another fav. Bananas are good, slices of any fruit you eat for he most part so long as it is in moderation. My boys love apples, oranges, pears, blueberries, etc... Too much may cause a :poo: problem so dont go crazy. haha
Linus won't eat ANYTHING related to fruit or veggie but I've had really good luck with Truman and bananas - he loves them and they have lots of nutrients good for bullies. I have had less luck with carrots, which he seems to chew but not eat therefore, I find carrot pieces everywhere for the next week. :)
Bella loves carrots and blueberries. In fact when she was a little puppy we rolled them down the hall and she would run after them, if we did more than one she had a great time trying to decide which one to go after. Of course we have hardwood floors so it made it much easier.

My question is this. Are radishes okay? Bella knows which door in the frig I keep the carrots, if she hears it open she goes nuts. Well I am out of carrots but I love radishes. Tonight I went to get a couple and she cried and whined thinking I had carrots. So I gave her a radish. It took her much longer to finish!
So far Gertie and Ida eat every fruit and veggie I've given them. They love bananas, strawberries, shredded carrots, frozen green beans. I've made them stew with all kinds of veggies and they get leftover vetetables after we eat dinner. I'm going to get them some blueberries and apples.
I gave Ireland some green beans tonight and she LOVED them... Im going to try her on some other things in the next few days. I want to take it slow incase she has a reaction to something..
Thanks for the ideas everyone! Gonna pick up a few things and see what the little one will like. Frozen blueberries sound good. The little beaver is chewing on everything in the house right now...
My Auggie is such a goofball! He will only eat ONE variety of apple (Macoun) and will spit out every other apple. He acts like I'm trying to poison him if I offer him a bit of banana. BUT he LOVES cucumbers and brussel sprouts. I'm telling you: cookoo!!! :p
I have given both Bruno and Bunker cucumbers...they love them. I am starting to try new things one at a time, because I am scared of an allergic reaction. I'm sure I am being way overly cautious, but I have made one trip to the emergency vet, and don't want a bill like that again!

The next thing I am going to try with them is canned pumpkin. A lot of people on here say that it is really good for them.
We give our bullies ... frozen green beans, frozen blueberries, fresh baby carrots and whole carrots (takes them a lot longer to eat!), fresh cucumber and fresh banana.

Have yet to try them on apple but as so many people on here seem to use them, then maybe that will be the next thing on the list to add to their treats!!
Hailey's 10 weeks old..She LOVES carrots and have had no problems. I introduced her to cucumbers (tiny piece) on Tuesday and last night she had two blueberries...She loved them. I'm extremely cautious on what I give her. I have noticed that following the addition of those small amounts, her stool does seem looser the next morning (sorry if too much info). Do you guys thinks it's just her little body adjusting? She's on FROMM puppy food (1/2 in morning, 1/4 at lunch, 1/2 cup at night)....
Jen, my girl is the same age as yours and I notice the same thing. I'm in the process of switching her over to fromm..she loves frozen blueberries too. I give her a scoop of canned pumpkin with her food also and that helps to firm her back up. I swear I've never been so fixated on poo as I am with Belly...
haha! I'm obsessed with poop, her food, her toys, you name it!! Hailey is my second baby :) I'm going to try the canned pumpkin! Hai Hai gets SOOO excited to eat : )

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