Fromm Formulas

Beef Frittata is what HRH eats. We only tried that and the surf and turf, their two grain free types. She does better on the beef Frittata. We believe because it's chicken free and grain free.
I think I prefer either of the 2 grain free although I was using just the regular 4 star foods and my boys did pretty well on all of them also. Cutty just seems a little less pink in the face with the grain free so why not?
Jake has tried the surf n turf and beef fritatta..he did better on the beef..but I mixed a bit of the two together and he actually did best as far as :poo: on the mixture. He is sensitive to chicken so we are kind of limited. But..he has his first wrinkle sore EVER today..:cry:...but I'm thinking it's all the stress from his surgery...
We are back on the beef fritatta. Griz also developed wrinkle sores this week huh
Oliver and Sebastian have only had the beef frittata until this week when I added the surf and turf. I give them the surf and turf in the morning and the beef at night. I am strictly staying with grain free food from here on out. They don't have any allergies to food that I know of and I want to prevent any from popping up so grain free it is.
I used both of the grain free, surf n turf and beef frittata and they worked ok. Better than any other kibble I had tried by far.
Chaos hasn't had anyy allergies, although I think he may have a small allergy to chicken. We had him on fromm puppy which has chicken in it and he did fine. Put him on chicken a la veg.....disaster! So he is now on the salmon a la veg and LOVES it!
The Fromm 4* foods come in what? 5-6 flavors? The grain free comes in two. IF your bully can use the 4* you are better off because of the diet variety you can offer in that line whereas if you go grain free you only have a choice of 2. And if you think chicken is part of the problem then beef frittata is your only choice. HRH is on beef frittata for that reason but if she wasnt allergic to chicken (that is a guess, by the way) I'd try her on the 4* because of the variety of choices. What would we do if she became allergic to the beef frittata? We wouldnt have a choice like we would if she was on 4*.
Are there issues with going from the grain free to the non grain free varieties of the Fromm 4 star?
Are there issues with going from the grain free to the non grain free varieties of the Fromm 4 star?
I'm replying because I'd like to know the answer to this. Wilson doesn't have any big allergies, aside from tear stains but those have decreased recently. I also wondered if he really needs to be on grain free food.
Are there issues with going from the grain free to the non grain free varieties of the Fromm 4 star?

I think I would do it slowly and be extra observant of your bullies response to the switch. If you see signs of reactions to the non grain free you can always switch back.
Katie has been on the Fromm 4 star Pork & Applesauce, simply because I wanted to keep her away from chicken and the fish sounded gross to me. lol She looks pretty healthy overall, and she eats the food up, but her paws have been itchy and discolored and she has some other little issues too. We are about to try Beef Fritatta and hopefully she'll get cleared up and be happier... stay tuned.

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