Feel like a bad bully parent


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Community Veteran
Jul 26, 2010
Southeast, Ma
Bulldog(s) Names
I feel like all I do is yell at this dog 24/7, stop get down, don't bite, don't scratch this or that; mainly it's the biting me and my girlfriend. Then he pisses on my rug and as I am trying to clean it up and spray the stuff on it he is biting me and the rug. I screamed at the top of my lungs cause i was sooooo aggravated at that second. Didn't bother him he just looked at me and barked and tried to bite my finger, and that is what got me upset, i dont want him to associate violence and yelling with me. I don't want to be a bad dog parent, but my tolerance level is low at this exact second. I put him in his crate for a timeout but i didn't want to do that as I didn't want him to associate the crate with punishment. I just don't know what to do about the biting...I know he is a puppy and puppies do this but I don't want it to become a habit, but what kills me is that I yell at him and I don't want him to be a violent dog because I yell or him to hate me because all I do is yell at him and tell him no.....sorry bout this but just venting after cleaning up pee off my rug hahahahaha
Omg i remember this, those little needles hurt like hell!
I felt just as bad as you cos i shouted at Lucy and even told her i was gonna pull all her damn teeth out if she bit me again! Lol i swear she understood cos she sat back tipped her little head to one side then nipped my arm.
Straight in her crate i can tell u while I had time out.
I no it doesnt help but he will grow out of it, it is just a puppy thing
Just hang in there n take some time out :)
Sounds like you and I are in the same boat... It does get better when they get older. Our baby is only 9 weeks old. Our other bully was almost 12 weeks old when we got her and definitely didn't bite this much . She is a little angel most of the time and then I think satan possesses her and she is out for blood. Clean up her pee and she bites and tries to shred the paper towels. Bites my other dog who is out of patience with her and looking like he is going to bite her face off. We are tired of yelling too. I just pray I'm right and this will pass in time! Good luck!
I am a very patient person and i have the biggest soft spot for dogs and i never really yell or even raise my voice in my regular life, but i seem to be doing it frequently with the dog and i just dont like doing it. But thanks for the advice [MENTION=1648]Lucylambchop[/MENTION]
I promise it does get better! I am like you, I did NOT want Vegas to relate crate being punishment, he actually loves his crate and goes in and out on his own to have his own "bubble" [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] LOL, I don't even shut the door. Puppies are frustrating, although I adopted Vegas when he was 4 months old I have had puppies in the past. Lots of Patience and chew toys, even a frozen wash cloth to chew on will help. I will never forget Vegas was just about a year old and had a bad ear infection and was on steroids ( from what I have read on here most bully's pee in the house while on those) anyway I was bent down wiping up his pee, before I mopped and as I was bent over cleaning HIS pee, he mounted me from behind and humped my back....Now THAT was INSULTING!!!!!! :eek:
Oh boy! I remember those days with Gertie. She was very young when I brought her home, not quite 6 weeks (I'll never make that mistake again). Ida was 12 weeks old when I brought her home and it was a world of difference! With Gertie, I'm sure she thought her name was No! NO! No! or No, no Gertie! I did use her crate for time outs, a LOT! It was July here and 200 degrees outside, so we were stuck inside. When I got to the point where I was about to blow a fuse, she went to her crate. I'd throw a sheet over it and she'd have "happy nappy", so I wouldn't choke her. It does get better, I promise. Our saving grace was getting Ida. That was the best thing we ever did. She had someone to romp and play with. By then she wasn't biting like she had been. She and Ida are the same age, so between 6 and 12 weeks, Gertie had calmed down a bit. Then when Ida came along, she REALLY calmed down. (So maybe you just need to go get him a brother. :p)
[MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION], You are totally cracking me up tonight, between wanting to strangle Arrow and your husband for feeding Arrow, and wanting to choke Gertie and making her take a "happy nappy" LMAO!!! I am laughing out loud at you, but I promise I get the frustration!!!! You are too funny :lol: (and I am a little scared of you, :p, LOL)
Gene got this little stage too, correct me if im wrong but i heard bulldogs unlike most dogs get to know things by biting them rather than just sniffing out the place. but my bully did get pretty agressive with me when he was about 16 weeks, i dont remember who on here but someone told me to gently put him on his back and look at him while holding him down till he calms down a bit so he knows your the leader not him. Also advice from someone here: a little spanking wont hurt em. hope things get better for you soon. remember just be patient. :)
I feel your pain, but hang in there it gets better! We got Brodie when he was 10 weeks and a good bit of that was over but still get some of that every now and then but do know that it is so much better now than it was 4 weeks ago, so it gets better. Hang in there. Lola is 3 and there are times I still get so bent our of shape and hollar at her and she kinda looks at me like "what the heck is up with you" but then love on her so she knows I don't mean it. I am sure Guinness knows to (or will) that you love him.
Jozi is 9 weeks old and we
are going threw the same thing.
It does get old telling them no all
the time. But if you don't do it now
it will make for an awfully ruff

You are doing a great job keep
it up!!
Just remember these few things...
When he bites, a very firm NO and ALL play stops. No contact..no eye contact. You walk away and playtime is over. Get him a teething ring. If you play tug with him and he puts him mouth on you...all play stops. He will eventually associate the two. It will take forever, but he will catch on.
If he's chewing, a very firm NO and put something in his mouth that he can chew on.
You will pull all your hair out, offer to ship him off, threaten to put him on the street corner...all those things, we've done it.
Consistency is the key.
the biting thing is HARD to break, but you just need to be really consistent. when my two were babies and biting terrorists, i would grab them, put them on their backs and hold them down until they stopped struggling. this would take such a long time, but eventually they will submit. everytime he bites you, just put him on his back until he gives up. after a couple weeks he will realize that he just gets dominated everytime and it isn't worth it because the game stops. when you release him you can offer him a toy and if he actually bites it and chews it, make a BIG deal about how good he is. you know with that attitude they love praise. treat him when he is chewing his toys too, little pieces of cheese or some tiny training treats are good. eventually he will see which behaviors lead to treats and happiness and which lead to him being dominated.
When he is chewing things he shouldn't be: Take an aluminum soup can, put 5 or so pennies in it, hot glue it shut and shake it!

you will do this a million times but eventually he will get it and stop. things will be better once he understands his place in your pack. yelling at him and spanking him only teaches him to be afraid of you, it does not teach him that what he was doing disappoints you. they don't think that way. he needs to be dominated/corrected in a way that he understands. he will test your love and patience for the next several months though.
my female bulldog made me so angry when i was trying to train her. i would so badly want to spank her, let her run free across the street, give her away, you name it. but instead i would put her in her crate, and go to my room with a bottle of wine or some vodka.

good luck to you, but remember consistency is KEY, and bulls are stubborn stubborn stubborn, so you will need to continuously remind them you are alpha.
[MENTION=1539]sheila[/MENTION] hahaha i hear ya anheiser busch has been very good to me
I went through the same thing with Bear after we got him. It went on for severalo weeks. It stopped but a loud NO BITE and then shunning him worked for us. Every bully is different. As frustrating as it gets they are worth it. I don't think bullies take the yelling to heart like we think they do. They are too stubborn for that, lol.

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