Excellent place to get nice frozen green beans


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
I keep forgetting to post this, but I found this a long time ago.

At Costco they have a HUGE bag of NICE frozen green beans for about $5 and this is where I have been getting them. :up:

I just grab a couple from the freezer for treats and they LOVE them!
I need to try these for Jozi's
treats. I think I need to wait
until her food switch is over.

I'm pretty sure asmuch as she likes
eating paper,plastic,rugs, cords,
furniture, etc,etc she will love green
beans. That or she will hate them.
Vegas will eat anything including frozen green beans, BUT, when I give them to him in his bowl...he always looks at me first like WHAT the He**?????:eek: I think it is so funny the "look" he gives me, then he will continue to gobble them down!! He did the same "look" last week when I gave him steamed carrots! It is such a "look" it totally cracks me up, he is sooo mad at me, yet will eat them.
Our Princess has not been impressed with carrots or green beans. Perhaps she didn't get started on them young enough. .
[MENTION=983]LariP[/MENTION] Maybe frozen blueberries. That's the latest thing we've tried and they all love them. Our oldest dog is 8 years old so I guess it doesn't matter how old they are to introduce new treats!
Vegas will eat anything including frozen green beans, BUT, when I give them to him in his bowl...he always looks at me first like WHAT the He**?????:eek: I think it is so funny the "look" he gives me, then he will continue to gobble them down!! He did the same "look" last week when I gave him steamed carrots! It is such a "look" it totally cracks me up, he is sooo mad at me, yet will eat them.

At least Vegas eventually eats them..... Her Royal PITA just gives the 'what the hell?' look and ignores them. If ya balance them on her lower lip she kind of goes "patoooie" and spits them off. LOL

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