Just got back from first Vet visit with


Have Bulldog Will Travel
Staff member
Jan 20, 2016
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Lala, Chesty, Winky, Waggles & Moose
our latest rescue. She’s a black and white Shorty Bulldog. Vet says she’s got Demodectic Mange and a staff infection. Nextgard and Cephalexin started right away. She‘ll be spayed as soon as possible and evaluated for soft palate reduction.

This girl is 5 months old and super sweet…very calm for such a young dog. She was not potty trained when she came in and had 3 pees and 1 poop in the house Saturday. Sunday she had 2 pees and 1 poop. Monday 1 pee 1 poop. Tuesday 1 pee 0 poops. Today 0 pees 0 poops. This has been moderately difficult due to rain wind and cold temps(Helene is thinking, “ yeah, right”). We set up an X pen and leave the little girl in it until she pees and we wait a little longer to see if she poops. This method has been very successful.

Little girl has a very long tail that wags constantly. I’m guessing being in a nice warm house makes her happy…coming out of an unheated outdoor shed for the past 2 months. I hate some people.

She and new boy Winky have hit it be off and we’re immediate best friends. They play and sleep together like they been together for years.
Here’s all 26 lbs of her.
We were so taken by her tail we named her Waggles.


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our latest rescue. She’s a black and white Shorty Bulldog. Vet says she’s got Demodectic Mange and a staff infection. Nextgard and Cephalexin started right away. She‘ll be spayed as soon as possible and evaluated for soft palate reduction.

This girl is 5 months old and super sweet…very calm for such a young dog. She was not potty trained when she came in and had 3 pees and 1 poop in the house Saturday. Sunday she had 2 pees and 1 poop. Monday 1 pee 1 poop. Tuesday 1 pee 0 poops. Today 0 pees 0 poops. This has been moderately difficult due to rain wind and cold temps(Helene is thinking, “ yeah, right”). We set up an X pen and leave the little girl in it until she pees and we wait a little longer to see if she poops. This method has been very successful.

Little girl has a very long tail that wags constantly. I’m guessing being in a nice warm house makes her happy…coming out of an unheated outdoor shed for the past 2 months. I hate some people.

She and new boy Winky have hit it be off and we’re immediate best friends. They B play and sleep together like they been together for years.
Here’s all 26 lbs of her.
We were so taken by her tail we named her Waggles.

She is adorable, I haven’t seen a bulldog with that long of a tail!!

Poor pup, some people are horrible to have a dog in a cold outdoor shed, glad she found a good home with you.

Your lucky Waggles to have found a good home.

Hope her staph infection and mange clears up soon!
I haven’t seen a bulldog with that long of a tail!!
This is the longest we've seen, too. When she's happy(which is anytime she's around people) it wags quickly from side to side. She also has a distinct wiggle in her gait...hence her name. She was dreaming 2 nights ago and it started wagging in a wide circular motion...hilarious! Sandy thinks she was chasing a cat. A few minutes later while still asleep her tail rose straight up and then slowly back down...a few seconds later Sandy smelled the puppy fart. She's just hilarious.
Last night before bedtime, another outdoor pee and poop. Yay!
First post on Waggles?
Yes, first post. She came in suddenly. We got a call from a lady that lives close by that usually does Yorkie rescue. She said that a friend told her about a Bulldog living in a bad situation. The puppy had been attacked by the puppy owners Pitbull and nicked up pretty good. To remedy the situation they separated the 2 by confining the puppy to a kennel in an outdoor unheated shed. Puppy was in freezing temps and rarely saw daylight. When rescuer first came in contact the pup was living in filth with raging skin infection.
Once seeing the puppy she just flatly asked what they wanted for her...$1000. She immediately went to a bank and got the $ and took the pup. Two months and several vet visits later she gives us the puppy. We offered to reimburse her but she refused $$$ and said she was very happy to know that "Waggles", formerly Oreo, would be well cared for.
Yes, people, there is still some good folks in this world...this lady certainly one of them.
Bless you Chip, Sandy and family for taking in Miss Waggles. Sounds like she has a great temperament and the fact hitting it off with Mr. Wiggles.

Cooper says hello but still aggressive to other animals and the ones on TV.


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Ohhh there’s a lot of good people out there for sure. You & Sandy most definitely within them….
Thanks Helene. Those are mighty kind words. What we do is not that hard because we LOVE Bulldogs! And we love Bulldog lovers!
When one does something they truly love doing, it's far from work...and the rewards are great.
Another beautiful girl! She’ll be living the best life ever

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