English Bulldog Puppies: Then and Now

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Updated..... finally!!!! :ashamed:
New Puppies added to the article :heart:
Whos dog is Wilson about half way down, the one sleeping with the same stuffed animals in both i would love to see more pictures of him
Whos dog is Wilson about half way down, the one sleeping with the same stuffed animals in both i would love to see more pictures of him

I believe you are speaking of [MENTION=2014]JeannieCO[/MENTION] 's Wilson! Click her name and you can visit her profile and view her albums, and see her posts :)
Whos dog is Wilson about half way down, the one sleeping with the same stuffed animals in both i would love to see more pictures of him
That's would be me. :D I have a ton of video and pics in the photo sections (we have two photos areas).

:welcome: to EBN too. :up:
Yeah, where IS MOE????

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