ear infections!!


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Yes, My bullie loves his ear infections...Trying to find a new way to clear them up as the vet meds don't seem to keep it at bay for very long. Any ideas??? I read somewhere that organic food
can help but not sure. HELP!!!:confused:
I use cotton balls in the ears while bathing to make sure no water gets into the ear canal. Then I use vet ear solution. Squeeze some down into the ear canal and massage the ear. Then wipe out the wax and dirt with cotton balls. Since I learned to do it this way, my bullys never get ear infections.


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I have good results with Zymox, otic enzymatic solution, 1% hydrocortisone. It's used alone, no other ear cleaners or rinses needed. My doggy dermatologist recommended it. No rx needed. I order it from KV vet supply. Good luck.


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my female bully had constant ear infections. at times, she needed antibiotics as well as ear cleaning. sometimes ear cleaning alone is not enough.

i found a GREAT all natural ear cleaning solution. i'll get the name of it and post it here. it's worked wonders so far.

as far as diet goes, allergies can also contribute to ear problems. do you know if your bully is allergic to anything? what kind of diet is he/she currently on?


  • image.jpg
    91.6 KB · Views: 160
I have had good luck with the Zymox, otic enzymatic solution, 1% hydrocortisone too! I got it from m vet but it clears up the ear infection in no time!

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