Running out of ideas


Nov 28, 2016
South Africa
Bulldog(s) Names
princess, kleintjie
Hi folks,

Trying to give my younger one this huge tablet for her bladder infection, but it's a mission.

I've successfully done it by inserting it into a vienna sausage and coating it with a bit of bovril. (meat spread for bread).

I have to give it to her twice a day, and it's been going great the last time in March she had bladder infection. Now, it has returned, the last two days, she only takes the tablet once a day. I'm worried there might come a point where she all together rejects eating the vienna with the little bit of bovril. I guess she "outgrew" the taste, but it's the only way she has accepted it. She doesn't eat it just with the vienna. I've tried unsuccessfully just inserting the tablet down her throat, like vets do.

I'm really running out of options here. Any other way to give a tablet with food ? My dogs are very picky about what they eat. Grinding the tablet to powder is not recommended by the vet.

Thank you for any help.
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Ground beef. Make 2 meatballs, size of a golf ball or tad smaller, stick the pill in the middle, feed by hand but…..make sure you have the other meatball ready n she sees it above her nose.
String cheese? Cream cheese?
I use spray cheese on a small “Charlee Bear” treats (they resemble oyster crackers).

Millie could spit a pill out from anything we tried. Anything. My vet then used spray cheese on a tiny treat and the pill went right down. I’m able to place a pill on top of this small cracker with a small squirt of cheese and she gobbles it right up.

She doesn’t need a pill right now but just imagine it sitting on top.
My younger one seems to like peanut butter now. So, that works.
Thanks for all the suggestions. Will keep them in mind for the future.
Ground beef. Make 2 meatballs, size of a golf ball or tad smaller, stick the pill in the middle, feed by hand but…..make sure you have the other meatball ready n she sees it above her nose.
Agree with meatball. Raw? My EB also funny with meds but raw works every time. I will give it above nose so it slides right down and sometimes annoy him with a throat rub so he has to swallow and breathe. 😬😂
Agree with meatball. Raw? My EB also funny with meds but raw works every time. I will give it above nose so it slides right down and sometimes annoy him with a throat rub so he has to swallow and breathe. 😬😂
Yes raw. By seeing the other little meatball they swallow the first fast lol
I have used very thin sliced steak both raw and cooked
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Hi folks,

Trying to give my younger one this huge tablet for her bladder infection, but it's a mission.

I've successfully done it by inserting it into a vienna sausage and coating it with a bit of bovril. (meat spread for bread).

I have to give it to her twice a day, and it's been going great the last time in March she had bladder infection. Now, it has returned, the last two days, she only takes the tablet once a day. I'm worried there might come a point where she all together rejects eating the vienna with the little bit of bovril. I guess she "outgrew" the taste, but it's the only way she has accepted it. She doesn't eat it just with the vienna. I've tried unsuccessfully just inserting the tablet down her throat, like vets do.

I'm really running out of options here. Any other way to give a tablet with food ? My dogs are very picky about what they eat. Grinding the tablet to powder is not recommended by the vet.

Thank you for any help.
I hide her meds in bake sweet potato that I keep in the refrigerator for my EBD daily dose of medicine, works like a champ.
Hi folks,

Trying to give my younger one this huge tablet for her bladder infection, but it's a mission.

I've successfully done it by inserting it into a vienna sausage and coating it with a bit of bovril. (meat spread for bread).

I have to give it to her twice a day, and it's been going great the last time in March she had bladder infection. Now, it has returned, the last two days, she only takes the tablet once a day. I'm worried there might come a point where she all together rejects eating the vienna with the little bit of bovril. I guess she "outgrew" the taste, but it's the only way she has accepted it. She doesn't eat it just with the vienna. I've tried unsuccessfully just inserting the tablet down her throat, like vets do.

I'm really running out of options here. Any other way to give a tablet with food ? My dogs are very picky about what they eat. Grinding the tablet to powder is not recommended by the vet.

Thank you for any help.
My wife breaks the big tablets into 2 and rolls them up in wet dog food he doesn’t even chew opens his mouth and swallows

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