Does anyone else see broken avatars?


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
I cannot see Libras, Jillh10, Kikiwhoa so far. I know this had something to do with the facebook feature, but I am wondering if anyone else sees broken avatars?? :eek:

Let me know!
No I still see all three avatars you mention in your post. I am using Firefox, if that helps.
I checked with Firefox, same thing. :(
I lost mine as soon as I linked to Facebook, so then I just changed it back to another and now it is here again. I too can not see the other three you mentioned and I am on Firefox.
I am sure it will fix if they reuplaod their avatars.
I was just on another thread and noticed Gertie'sMom and ReallyRob's Advatars were also not working.
Broken! Oh and I received the invite on Vegas Facebook account.
Sweet! Now go fix ur Avatar, and everybody tag anyone you see with a broken avatar!
Yes also seeing broken avitars. I fixed mine this morning. [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION], you need to fix yours. and [MENTION=860]jillh10[/MENTION] you need to re-upload yours also.
[MENTION=860]jillh10[/MENTION] You are still "broken" to me.
yep, Jill is broke. Better get her a band-aid!
[MENTION=574]TessaAndSamson[/MENTION] is still broken....
[MENTION=735]Kikiwhoa21[/MENTION], just reupload your avatar. It will work then :)