Report broken or non-scoring Arcade games here


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
We want our 1000 games to work! If you find any games that don't work, don't score, ect. please post them here.

Re: Report broken or non-scoring games here

Something is "funky" with the Mahjongg timer. Several times it ended the game and there was still over a minute left on my game. :(
Re: Report broken or non-scoring games here

If it ends the game abruptly, it means there is no more moves/matches. I know exactly what you are talking about. I have played this game for 2 years now- so I know it's glitches. I am just surprised they have never been fixed.

BTW, never clear the last two tiles in Majongg if you are about to clear the board in round 3--- it will not record your score. Leave the last two tiles behind in round 3!!!
Re: Report broken or non-scoring games here

Animal Connect and Animal Connect 2 are not scoring.
It happened twice to me for discus. I hit submit and defaults to my previous score. You know I can't let [MENTION=6717]dolphin[/MENTION] have all of the trophies. :)
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Mother [ATT:whistle:ACH=CONFIG]108444[/ATTACH]


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