Does anyone else have other breeds in the house that are intimidated by their bullies?


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
Bulldog(s) Names
I have two Olde English Bulldogges both girlies one is 2 1/2 the other is 7mnths. We recently took in Mr.Beefy a 3 yr old 64lb English bulldog. He is a sweetheart but by size and noise he can seem a bit scarey lol. My puppy is very intimidated by him and has jumped him twice. Does anyone have any suggestions? I Love them all and couldnt part with either one.:confused:
I have only the problem of two lady bully girls not liking each other. It is very tough to deal with. I think a behavioralist is the way to go for my problem, but with 4 kids it is impossible to go out for training, and makes me nervous to bring a total stranger to my home. :(
Does it seem malicious when they fight? Is one instigating it? My females dont fight but they are mother and daughter and mom established herself as alpha when she was little. My 2 yr old also established herself as alpha when Mr.Beefy came in the home. But my puppy(babyjoe) taunts him by standing over him and putting her butt in his face. While it seems funny I know she has mal intent. Like you I have kids so I have to keep them seperate or watch them like hawks because bulldogs dont give off sounds before an attack ,you have to know their body language to determine when they will attack. Why can't we all just get along???lol
Oh yes, it is definately malicious. I mean they go for the death. It is awful. It is getting better tho, with training. Now I just need to be trained on how to train them together. Thats the scary part! They cannot be in a room loose together at all. Must be leashed.
Does it seem malicious when they fight? Is one instigating it? My females dont fight but they are mother and daughter and mom established herself as alpha when she was little. My 2 yr old also established herself as alpha when Mr.Beefy came in the home. But my puppy(babyjoe) taunts him by standing over him and putting her butt in his face. While it seems funny I know she has mal intent. Like you I have kids so I have to keep them seperate or watch them like hawks because bulldogs dont give off sounds before an attack ,you have to know their body language to determine when they will attack. Why can't we all just get along???lol

That is what Bella does to Abby, only Abby (the other Bully here) She will stand over her with her hind end by Abby's head. I just push her off and say NO. Abby actually just ignores it. She will turn her head. They don't fight with each other, They will taunt each other but the teeth never come out. It is like a sibling thing...hate/love relationship. When it was just Abby and Sophie, neither were alpha, it is funny that Bella showed up and became (or tried to) Alpha. We do have to work hard with Bella at dinner time. She will growl at anyone when her food is put down. If I pet her, she will even growl with me. I am working on her, I now make her sit before I place the bowl down and she has to "wait" until I tell her to go ahead. I also feed the others first, or at least put they bowls down first. Those are the things to watch for when trying to de-alphatize a dog.
Baby joe(olde english puppy) also goes for "thekill" she locks on and it freaks me out i feel like im watching a "dog fight". I put some vinegar in a spray bottle to spray the puppy when she starts the butt thing. The main triggers are food and i mean the smell not even the fact of them having it because they eat in seperate rooms and protection. We were playing tugowar with Mr.Beefy and my girls thought he was going to bite us so I had to lock them up or they would have attacked him. My alpha(georgia) tackles him and asserts her leadership but when i say" no ma'am go sit down", she stops. Baby Joe on the other hand locks on for the kill and it takes ALOT for her to release. I know that we as people have to become the "leader" of our pack. I know that Georgia and Mr.Beefy know I am the "leader" but baby joe does not. I was told to put her on her back and hold her down while looking in her eyes until she submits and looks away. I have a plan but if it will work i dont know. Along with at home behavioral training by myself and TONS of exercise so maybe she is to exhausted to fight i'm also going to try some lavender oil spray on her bedding and just to keep around incase she gets "the urge" to attack. Really wish Ceasar Millan would join this group ....we could use his advice. i hope everything works out for all of us maybe we can give eachother feedback on whats working.
Baby joe(olde english puppy) also goes for "thekill" she locks on and it freaks me out i feel like im watching a "dog fight". I put some vinegar in a spray bottle to spray the puppy when she starts the butt thing. The main triggers are food and i mean the smell not even the fact of them having it because they eat in seperate rooms and protection. We were playing tugowar with Mr.Beefy and my girls thought he was going to bite us so I had to lock them up or they would have attacked him. My alpha(georgia) tackles him and asserts her leadership but when i say" no ma'am go sit down", she stops. Baby Joe on the other hand locks on for the kill and it takes ALOT for her to release. I know that we as people have to become the "leader" of our pack. I know that Georgia and Mr.Beefy know I am the "leader" but baby joe does not. I was told to put her on her back and hold her down while looking in her eyes until she submits and looks away. I have a plan but if it will work i dont know. Along with at home behavioral training by myself and TONS of exercise so maybe she is to exhausted to fight i'm also going to try some lavender oil spray on her bedding and just to keep around incase she gets "the urge" to attack. Really wish Ceasar Millan would join this group ....we could use his advice. i hope everything works out for all of us maybe we can give eachother feedback on whats working.

Sounds to me like you're doing all the right things! If the two other dogs already recognise you as pack leader, then all you should need to do is to keep reinforcing that with the puppy. She is still a baby and is still learning her position in the "pack".
I second that. He is just being a male....sturbborn and hard of hearing. LOL No seriously, he is just testing you and will learn that you are the pack leader. Just keep it up.
I have problems with that too. I have to keep my english bulldog and American bulldog separate until my husband gets home. They are WAY too strong for me to separate when they are in a fight. LeRoy (the AB) has tried to kill Norm (the EB) several times and Norm required a vet visit. It's very scary and very loud.

When we hear either one of them growl, we blast an air horn at them. But you have to do it right away, because when they are already fighting, the air horn doesn't work. I , also, have been working with the AB with a dog whistle, and that seems to be helping too.
I tried to seperate them the third time because Mr.Beefy's(eb) tongue was turning blue and she(olde english) had him by the neck with a death grip you wouldnt believe. I reached in there to pry her mouth open and was bit. Not their fault but just bad judgement on my part. Today she tried it again and i grabbed my bottle of vinegar and had to spray her in the nose. I hate to do that but its the only thing that will deter her from attacking him.
Yikes! I'm happy to say all my "kids" play nice, at least so far. Arrow is soooo gentle, he lets Gertie and Ida do whatever they want to him, and if he's tired of having one hanging off each jowel, he just shakes them off and goes to the living room to get away from them. Gertie and Ida are still babies and love each other dearly, so I'm hoping we'll never have problems with them later on.
I tried to seperate them the third time because Mr.Beefy's(eb) tongue was turning blue and she(olde english) had him by the neck with a death grip you wouldnt believe. I reached in there to pry her mouth open and was bit. Not their fault but just bad judgement on my part. Today she tried it again and i grabbed my bottle of vinegar and had to spray her in the nose. I hate to do that but its the only thing that will deter her from attacking him.

I think you just earned the Stupid is as stupid does award, I have one of those myself. :) And the scars on my hand to prove it.....
That is a crazy problem, I don't know what I'd do - even with two males I have never had this issue but it has to be heartbreaking.

My bullies are so submissive at times, my kitties put them into place. They just all kind of get along without my intervention and it sounds like I am lucky. Good luck with this, it sounds like a very difficult thing!
Bertie tries to intimidate Dexter my cocker spaniel, but he isn't scared of her. For awhile, she would take whatever Dexter had away ffrom him, and he let her. Now...he will nip right back at her....I think he kind of intimidates her now.

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