Demodex Mange


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
Hi Everyone,

Wondering if anyone has experienced this with their bully. Stig was diagnosed with this on the weekend, and requires to take pills for a certain length of time. More details to follow this week when I get more info.

I've been reading about it online but would like to know your input. For example, how long did it take your bully to recover, what were the initial symptoms, etc?

The vet said that his hives were due to the mange and not allergies as initially thought. Hopefully she's right ...
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The closest thing I have had to experience is one of my closest friends has a pitbull named Xena with mange. Xena was about 4 months when she started getting bald spots on her face, the skin didn't look irritated or anything she was just losing hair. When my friend took her to the vet she was diagnosed with mange. She was put on oral antibiotics and was dipped. It healed up really well within a month or so but has recently (she is 9 months now) had a "flare up." The vet told my friend that it can come back at times when she has a low immune system so she is on oral meds again, no dip. Wish I had more information :( I hope Stig gets better soon!
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we went through it w lex when he was about 4 months old. he had it around his eye and the vet thought he might have cherry eye "he didnt wanna scrap cause lex wouldnt stay still long enough" so he gave us some drops and within a week we took him back cause we noticed a bald spot on his chest. he scrapped the new one and it came back demodex mange. he put us on antibiodics twice a day and some cream once a day, i put it on at nite that way he would be sleepin and he wouldnt rub it off. when the anitbiotics were gone, i called the vet back and had asked if we needed to come in sense it was getting better,and you could tell hair was starting to grow back and the spot wasnt red. we had gone through the bottle 2 weeks worth i believe. he said didnt need to see him but he wanted him to take another weeks worth of antibiotics just to make sure it was all gone.. the vet also said that if the mange started spreading even on antibiotics then we were gonna have to start on the dips.
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This has been brought up in the past so you may want to do a search for more suggestions. None of mine have had this but from what I have learned the immune system plays a huge part. I know ivermectin can be used and if your bully has no hair loss yet then you probably got it nice and early. Definitly suggest giving a supplement along with good dog food diet to ensure immune system boosting. I know many of the rescue volunteers deal with heavy cases that can take months and months of treatment but these are extreme cases.
Vegas had it when he was a baby. Immune system plays a huge part in this. Every puppy carries it, but most immune systems are strong enough to hold it off. It seems to overtake the immune system in times of extreme stress.... going to a new home, abuse, neglect...any severe change...etc. Here is a photo of Vegas's demodex mange. It took a good 6 weeks of ivermectin AND a cream....then more scrapings to make sure it was over with.

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Update: The vet gave us 48 days worth of pills called 'Interceptor'. Good thing I bought insurance because it's more than $10 per pill :eek:. But no fret, anything for our bullies. Hopefully it works. The next appt should be for a follow-up scraping.
My Uin is seven moths old now and we are dealing with demodex. We are currently treating Uni with antibiotics( can't remember the name) for a week and Ivermectin for two weeks with a check up and a scrapping after the two weeks. Prescribed as well, is a shampoo that I must bath her with twice a week. This is a pain because the spots are on her head, apparently the face is affected often, so I have to apply the soap and rinse, very carefully, not to get it in her eyes. I have read on the forums somewhere that some one tried a 50/50 mix of lavender oil and neem oil, I may try this because it sounds easier to apply. Or I also read that a product called NU-Stock works too. I also so read that it is a immune issue also, so I am giving her fish oil supplements to boost the immune system and to aid hair regrowth. I hope My little Uni shows some improvements soon....
[MENTION=3104]mendomama[/MENTION] sorry that you're having to deal with demodex. My Delilah got it when she was about 5 months old. Like the others have said, it does have something to do with the immune system. My pup just couldn't fight it off and ended up with it.

You know, I was never offered pills or anything. Hers was on her face and her chest, and it was treated by giving her these really potent baths with some special stuff. Like they had to cover their mouths and use gloves and stuff. They did that to her 3 times..once every 2.5 weeks or so. I would have rather done the pill I think had I been given that option!
We have a formula that has ivermectin and ketoconazole for top dressing food, and a liquid to put on the spots too, if you need any pricing, we have had this too and its really a struggle!
@mendomama sorry that you're having to deal with demodex. My Delilah got it when she was about 5 months old. Like the others have said, it does have something to do with the immune system. My pup just couldn't fight it off and ended up with it.

You know, I was never offered pills or anything. Hers was on her face and her chest, and it was treated by giving her these really potent baths with some special stuff. Like they had to cover their mouths and use gloves and stuff. They did that to her 3 times..once every 2.5 weeks or so. I would have rather done the pill I think had I been given that option!
Karly has little patches like that on her body...I thought it was an allergic reaction to something. She has a vet appt this saturday. She doesn't seem to be itchy but when it first appeared it was sensitive. Is there anything over the counter that can be used?
dogs are goverened by the immune system,this i have learnt and am trying very hard to adjust annies so that its doing its job properly,cold,heat,stress,poor diet,can all lower the immune system ,but i think the biggest factor in bulldogs is stress as they are overly sensitive ,look for the best supplement for the immune system and concentrate on that in the first instance ,if the immune system is in perfect health then fighting mange ,allergy,illness will be a walk in the park ,and supplement with acidophilus after antibiotics to restore anything lost due to the antibiotics as they can lower the immune system .crazy i know but antibiotics only treat the symptoms and not always the cause,good luck,karen
Our Wally had demodex mange during the summer. His was brought on by the stress of an upset tummy that we had a hard time getting under control of. We were offered the pill or bath option. Because of his tummy issue at the time, the bath was really the best option. We took him in every 2 weeks for a Mitoban dip for about 2 months. This cleared up his mange and we haven't seen it come back since. We were told that all pups carry it - but it can flare up under stress.
I'll throw in my 2cents. Tipsy had demodex when she was 8mo. I tried the dips with no help. The vet then suggested Promeris every 3 weeks. After 2nd treatment, it started to work. Wish you the best.