
New member
Dec 19, 2019
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi everyone! Iā€™m new here, Iā€™ve joined specifically to see if I can find anyone whose bulldog has suffered with demodex/demodectic mange.
My gorgeous boy frank is 5 and for the last 11 weeks has been suffering really badly, it seemed to get better but now itā€™s much worse šŸ˜ž I have been to the vet 2/3 times a week since it started and theyā€™ve been brilliant. Theyā€™ve done all sorts of tests and ruled out any disease etc that could cause the demodex to multiply so they think itā€™s because he has a low immune system due to apoquel which has now been stopped.
He has had 2 months worth now of Simparica and has more bald patches and sores than ever which would suggest to me the mites are still there despite Simparica saying after 6 weeks theyā€™ll be completely eradicated. Iā€™ve been back this morning and the vet has now referred to a skin specialist. He has 2 types of bacteria causing infection on the skin so is alternating antibiotics. I hope that the specialist can get this sorted for him but I have searched all over the web and canā€™t find anyone else who has experienced this and discussed the journey.
Anyone out there that can help?
Many thanks


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Hello n welcome!! Thereā€™s been a few members in your shoes. Iā€™ll let them any you. But yes apoquel will definitely kill any immune system so will antibiotics. Till you get your results, I personally would start him on a raw diet. His gut flora is basically out of whack or shot as we say. He needs probiotics n prebiotics. It will boost his immune system n definitely help with inflammation. Raw diet has its own natural probiotics. Especially organs. You will see a huge difference when you start changing his diet. Food is fuel but needs to be the right food. What do you feed him? Both my dogs are feed raw n I do add every other day fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies as a topper n frozen smelly green tripe.

Hereā€™s a couple links that will help you understand...

[MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION], [MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION], [MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION], [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION]
Welcome... your poor sweet boy!

100% agree with Helene get your baby on a raw diet and get his gut and immune system back up to speed. We use raw goats milk as our probiotic or fresh sauerkraut that you get from the refrigerated section in the grocery store.

My boys suffered from hotspots and constant ear infections and once we went to raw and Cytopoint shot it is all gone we are two years in and he iHas not experienced any issues since. And vet appointments are very few and far between

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Thank you so much or your replies!!
He is fed natures menu venison so I think itā€™s raw? The thing is he has so many allergies he was tested and can pretty much only eat venison, rabbit, eggs, vegetables and oats �� (heā€™s having a whole piece of raw venison for Christmas lunch poor thing)
With those allergies what do you say suggest? Iā€™ll definitely start adding some fermented sauerkraut.
Does anyone know if the red sores and infection is because the mites are now dead and imbedded in his skin? I bath him every 3rd day with an antiseptic antifungal wash and also bathe with warm water on the sore bits every day.
It seems like itā€™s been forever and I just want my sad looking (��) but actually very happy frank back �� (see attached) x


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He has also lost 5kg since all this started which the vets think is stress??? ������
He has also lost 5kg since all this started which the vets think is stress??? ������

Yes the stress will definitely cause him to lose weight. If he has that many allergies stay with what you know and if you are feeding raw itā€™s just a matter of getting his immune system back up to par so his body can fight off the mites

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Poor Frank. Castor sends lots of hugs to him and we hope he will soon feel better. Welcome to the forum!
Yes the stress will definitely cause him to lose weight. If he has that many allergies stay with what you know and if you are feeding raw itā€™s just a matter of getting his immune system back up to par so his body can fight off the mites Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I remember seeing natures menu venison. Itā€™s that purple can... Didnā€™t someone else had issues with that brand? Now itā€™s going to bother me loll
He has also lost 5kg since all this started which the vets think is stress??? ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½

Your can youā€™re feeding him is great. Only issue I find is itā€™s not balanced out. Raw needs to also have a ratio of meat, bones, organs n blood.

This is one mind I feed my 2. Check the ratio you will see what Iā€™m saying

Also hereā€™s some links that will help you out. We are here for you. Simply ask away... :)
I just read that Bravecto (used to protect dogs against ticks) has recently been approved by the European Comnission for treatment of demodectic mites. I have no veterinary training so do not know more, but here is an article in Vet Times which seems to be a UK journal for veterinary professionals. Perhaps this is something you could discuss with your vet. Bravecto is really common here against ticks but I know there have been reports on side effects so as with all medicines, pros have to be weighed against risks, I suppose.

All the best to little Frank.
:welcome2: to EBN!!!

I'm SO sorry to hear about Frank, my Walter suffered from demodex mange years ago (when he was a puppy) and at that time we opted to do the dips. We did a series of dips for several weeks, and then he was put on a flea/tick med temporarily for 6 months, and I'm sorry I can't remember the name (I will look on my old posts to see if I can find it). Anyhoo... he recovered and hasn't had a reoccurrence of the mange. Like others have stated, ALL dogs have mange it's just keeping it under control and for some dogs that becomes a real battle. I've been giving Walter Herbsmith Microflora Plus (Amazon) to keep his gut flora in check, NuVet Plus canine vitamins, and I also switched him to a semi-raw diet. Walter had puppy strangles when we first got him, and basically that is where the immune system becomes out of whack SO from early on I have been trying to boost ASAP!!!

I hope that Frank feels better soon, and please if you have any questions or issues just reach out to me [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION]
I just read that Bravecto (used to protect dogs against ticks) has recently been approved by the European Comnission for treatment of demodectic mites. I have no veterinary training so do not know more, but here is an article in Vet Times which seems to be a UK journal for veterinary professionals. Perhaps this is something you could discuss with your vet. Bravecto is really common here against ticks but I know there have been reports on side effects so as with all medicines, pros have to be weighed against risks, I suppose.

All the best to little Frank.

We also use Bravecto on our pups... no issues!!!
:welcome2: to EBN!!!

I'm SO sorry to hear about Frank, my Walter suffered from demodex mange years ago (when he was a puppy) and at that time we opted to do the dips. We did a series of dips for several weeks, and then he was put on a flea/tick med temporarily for 6 months, and I'm sorry I can't remember the name (I will look on my old posts to see if I can find it). Anyhoo... he recovered and hasn't had a reoccurrence of the mange. Like others have stated, ALL dogs have mange it's just keeping it under control and for some dogs that becomes a real battle. I've been giving Walter Herbsmith Microflora Plus (Amazon) to keep his gut flora in check, NuVet Plus canine vitamins, and I also switched him to a semi-raw diet. Walter had puppy strangles when we first got him, and basically that is where the immune system becomes out of whack SO from early on I have been trying to boost ASAP!!!

I hope that Frank feels better soon, and please if you have any questions or issues just reach out to me [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION]

Someone I talk to posted on my FB his dog had the sulfur dip n died. :(. Only thing I see is his dog must of panic n inhaled. Idk..So sad. I personally wouldnā€™t go that route for a flat nose dog.. Too scary.

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