Daily Poll: How Friendly Is Your Bulldog?

Daily Poll: How Friendly Is Your Bulldog?

  • Super Friendly! Loves all humans and other animals!

    Votes: 17 68.0%
  • Very friendly

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Sort of friendly

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Not very friendly

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack

Daily Poll: How Friendly Is Your Bulldog? Please feel free to explain your answer.
So far Jozi has never meet a
stranger. Especially our cats,
she loves them. :p
Lucy loves attention from anybody,
Greets everyone with her wiggly bum n super wet jowls :p
Samson loves all people but not all dogs. He is ok with all females but over the years he's gotten a bit iffy with other males, he's never attacked one or anything but he gets a bit vocal and pushy with most other male dogs. There have been incidences that I think may have caused that though like he was attacked by a male pitbull at the dog park, it was awful. Samson just went up to sniff this dog and the pit attacked him, latched onto his head. The owner pullied the pits leash, (should have never been on a leash in the dog park in the first place) which lifted the pit up off its front legs so he was just on his 2 back legs and Samson was dangling from his mouth. He never seemed the same with males after that but we also stopped going to the dog park after that which left him with much less pups to socialize with so not sure what the cause is in the end.
OMG! Tessa, that must have been horrible. That's exactly I never go to dog parks, they scare me. You never know who you'll run into. I hear too many stories like yours'. Both my girls are extremely friendly. When we went up to Denver a few months ago, we would stop to potty the girls and they always made lots of friends. Gertie tried her darnedest to go home with a trucker at one rest stop.
Vegas has never been aggressive or funny around anybody or any animal, he sooo want's to check out my son's cat, but she hisses and runs from him. I would be shocked to death if I ever seen him be aggressive toward anybody or animal.
I'm saying very friendly....She did get a bit "bossy" with my sisters bichon when he was playing with his squeaky toy and she didn't want him too. She has also showed some hesitancy with new people a time or two, nothing mean, just some cowering like she was afraid. Mostly though she does seem friendly and open to meeting new people and dogs and cats when we take her to Petsmart.
Lola loves loves people...young, old, man, women, boy, girl, yada yada.....but dogs, cats, she is just not sure about them so very standoffish or she tries to "bull" them over. Brodie...too young to tell...he loves everyone and everything.
I chose sorta. Vegas is friendly and Orion is sorta. Vegas has his bubble issue. Orion is a bitch around other dogs...PERIOD. So I added 1 plus 1 plus 1 and got 3. Since it wasn't multiple choice I had to average it out.
Stiggy's very friendly to all dogs and people. I should really take a vid on how he gets to know the other dog. He sniffs and does a 180 towards the other dogs face with such enthusiasm that you think he's showing off his jewels. And he'll this multiple times. :p

He's actually very trusting as well, and thinks that all dogs are friendly even though you can tell that they aren't. So we always have to watch him when he tries to get close just in case the other dog reacts badly. We also avoid dog parks, for the very reason [MENTION=574]TessaAndSamson[/MENTION] mentioned.
Lola is super friendly. She definitely prefers people to dogs or cats. Whenever I walk her or have her outside, she'll stop and sit down if she sees a car nearby that has pulled into a driveway or parked on the side of the road. She thinks everyone is there to see her.
Chief and Ireland are booth super friendly. The other day I had a friend come over and we were standing at the fence, Ireland heard her voice and seen her dog and came running lol.. I have to say Chief has not been around other male dogs but he loves his 4 girls here lol...
Hudson loves everyone and everything! When he was just a puppy, everyone in our neighborhood would come running when he was out. I think he still believes he exists for the world to give him attention.
Even last night at the pet store, he got 2 treats because of his irresistable face.
He especially loves kids (cuz they drop food!) and other dogs. He'd love to play with a cat, but he just can't understand why they always run away and hiss at him! :)
Coda is great with everyone and anything as well except one of the feral cats that comes by our door...shell spot it and go crazy but never gets outside to chase it so its all good

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