Chum going to the vet!

I agree with Lisa and Chris.... allergies can pop up at anytime and go way too.

Please keep us posted.... if Chum is not on any steriods, thnk about doing the full bllod allergy test - not 100% but really gives a good base line on what to avoid
Believe it or not, most allergens to food develop after the age of 2. And they can also develop seasonal allergies as they get older as well.

Hugs to Chums.... Remember his reaction to those shots months ago? They could have also done some damage to his immune system permanently too. With these guys you just never know.

My vet told me each season they go through will depend on their reactions to the season, and wheather they have the anti bodies to fight the allergies or not. This is why most puppies with allergies are certainly having a reaction to food or household allergens, because they have not been through a season yet.

His coat looks like it is dry + coarse.... and see how the hairs are standing? The circles of dry spots could be ringworm, staph or just a dermitisis of the skin. Does his skin look "off" in color? Like "grey-ish"?

Also how long have you been mixing all the oils? Perhaps stick with just one oil at a time, there is really no benefit to mixing them all up, except yet another possible allergy to something.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, try NOT to treat this with antibiotics if you can. Using external meds and creams (panalog, douxo, malecetic, mediacted shampoo) on it and letting it run its coarse is the best option, unless he starts to become very itchy or it gets worse. I would have a skin scrape done just to rule out mange or ringworm.

You know I forgot to mention that Bella had a bought of ringworm that took FOREVER to get rid off… we kinda determined the cat was the carrier (of course… LOL). Thanks Lisa for bringing this up, I had totally forgotten about that… :blink:
I agree with Lisa and Chris.... allergies can pop up at anytime and go way too.

Please keep us posted.... if Chum is not on any steriods, thnk about doing the full bllod allergy test - not 100% but really gives a good base line on what to avoid
I'd really like to do a full allergy test on Mabel to get an idea of what to avoid in this little girl.
I'd really like to do a full allergy test on Mabel to get an idea of what to avoid in this little girl.

:heart: love Mabel's avatar pic, looks so peaceful and happy knowing she's HOME.
I do hope all goes well at the vets today and nothing serious is wrong, give hugs to Chumley for Ftse and me.

I noticed Ftse has a two bald spots just about 2mm sq but when we got home he had a few lumps from him and hooch play biting each other and the lumps have gone but the hair with it and I was not too concerened until I read your post as Ftse has a little bit of dandruff too and never had that before but Richard changed his shampoo and since then I have noticed it not much at all just a very little I will have to watch this more closely now.
I'd really like to do a full allergy test on Mabel to get an idea of what to avoid in this little girl.

It really is worth it... we would have never knew back on 2006 to take Nitschke off the rice without the test, heck we were feeding bland diet while trying to figure out why he was throwing up. I think I cried for a few days (on/off) knowing we were giving him what was making him sick. Anyway, all the info here on EBN was not around back then and I was VERY green with canine nutrition. But, with my next Bulldog, it will be a definite test I do once the are 2 yrs old.
Thank you everybody for the advice. The vets first question was whether I recently gave him his flea/tick medication but I do that on the 1st of the month. He doesn't want to treat with antibiotics yet as it looks like it's just beginning and recommends an antibacterial shampoo bath twice a week for a while. I'm glad I brought the pictures on my ipad because they're really not noticeable in natural lighting. He doesn't believe they're allergies because he doesn't scratch at it. The skin is not red or inflamed. I told him he scratches in the morning for a few minutes and rolls around on his back but doesn't really do anything else all day long. He believes it's a skin infection. I will definitely get him a blood allergy test in the very near future because I'm not convinced it's not an allergic reaction. He advised if no improvement or worse in 5 days he'll do the skin scrape and antibiotic route. He also gave me (for $30 he "gave" me) something called allerderm spot on. So I guess well start with the antibacterial shampoo and take it from there. Thanks again everybody for your comments..I love EBN!
We will be hoping for the best and I hope the shampoo helps.
Believe it or not, most allergens to food develop after the age of 2. And they can also develop seasonal allergies as they get older as well.

Hugs to Chums.... Remember his reaction to those shots months ago? They could have also done some damage to his immune system permanently too. With these guys you just never know.

My vet told me each season they go through will depend on their reactions to the season, and wheather they have the anti bodies to fight the allergies or not. This is why most puppies with allergies are certainly having a reaction to food or household allergens, because they have not been through a season yet.

His coat looks like it is dry + coarse.... and see how the hairs are standing? The circles of dry spots could be ringworm, staph or just a dermitisis of the skin. Does his skin look "off" in color? Like "grey-ish"?

Also how long have you been mixing all the oils? Perhaps stick with just one oil at a time, there is really no benefit to mixing them all up, except yet another possible allergy to something.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, try NOT to treat this with antibiotics if you can. Using external meds and creams (panalog, douxo, malecetic, mediacted shampoo) on it and letting it run its coarse is the best option, unless he starts to become very itchy or it gets worse. I would have a skin scrape done just to rule out mange or ringworm.

Just a question, Brutus looks like his skin is greyish in his tummy area. It has always looked like this. We thought It was just his coloring. Does it actually mean something?
Just a question, Brutus looks like his skin is greyish in his tummy area. It has always looked like this. We thought It was just his coloring. Does it actually mean something?

That's likely normal, this is where the whole coat seems to have lost its brightness and looks dull and dreary, kinda like a stormy day.

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That's likely normal, this is where the whole coat seems to have lost its brightness and looks dull and dreary, kinda like a stormy day.

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Ok thanks, the vet said it was normal but I figured you guys are the real experts. ;)
Hopefully that shampoo will help… Give Chums lots of Hugs & Kisses!!! Poor baby… ;)
Well it's a start. I hope the shampoo helps and you don't have to change his food again.
[MENTION=7260]Chumley[/MENTION] Any update on the big guy?

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