
New member
Feb 13, 2016
Poole, UK
United Kingdom
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We're having skin issues again with Betty. The first time around she was getting hotspots on her neck and had a scaly raised patch of dermatitis right above her tail. The vet gave us a 10 day course of antibiotics and steroid cream. The hotspots went away and the weird scaly patch went back to normal pink skin. Now we are noticing little bald patches all over her body, between her shoulder blades, above her tails and on her sides. They aren't red or irritated looking really, just lots of bald patches. You can't really see the patches unless you're looking at her from behind because of the way her fur lies and then it looks really bad. We're transitioning her onto a grain-free food currently, but when I saw the vet last time he said he would be surprised if the dermatitis/etc was related to food allergies. She gets coconut oil and greek yogurt as well and I have been rubbing her all over with coconut oil. She does scratch at her belly and sides sometimes, but not excessively.

2016-03-28 11.05.23.jpg2016-03-28 11.05.39.jpg

This picture doesn't really show the extent of it, but that's one of the bigger patches.

Taking her to the vet on Thursday to get it checked out/get a skin scrape. I just want to make sure she doesn't have mange/mites, but I have a feeling it's allergy related. It's very frustrating as her coat was pretty much fine when we got her (except for one hotspot and the scaly patch of dermatitis) and her old owners had her on really poor food (she had red poop because of the dye in the food), we're been trying to give her the best and her health just seems to be deteriorating :( I know stress has some part in it/new environment, etc and just looking at the threads here I can see skin issues are very common. Hopefully the vet can sort her out, but have a feeling we will just get a course of antibiotics again.
How old is Betty? And what protein source is in the grain free food?

I am thinking mange (mites) too, so good to know you are getting the scrape done this week to rule it out
[MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] She'll be 4 in June. She's getting switched from Lamb and rice to lamb and vegetable. As far as protein, we did try her on salmon and potato at one point, but it made her tear stains really bad. had similar patches come up on occasion and have had very good luck treating them with Douxo Chlorhexidine + Climbazole Mousse. Something to consider
@2BullyMama She'll be 4 in June. She's getting switched from Lamb and rice to lamb and vegetable. As far as protein, we did try her on salmon and potato at one point, but it made her tear stains really bad.

:ponder: wonder if it is something environmental ... pollen, grass, trees? Do you give probiotics... like yogurt or kelp?
[MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] She gets Greek yogurt every night with her dinner along with a tablespoon of coconut oil, been giving that to her ever since the first bout of skin problems. We did give her a bath the other day because she got really muddy and even with the oatmeal shampoo, I think that did dry out her skin so I have been drenching her in coconut oil which seems to help with the itching (the bald patches were there before this tho). She is also shedding like crazy recently, I don't know if she is losing her winter coat?

Here is another shot where you can see the patches on her side (sitting on her beanbag throne).
2016-03-28 14.49.41.jpg
[MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] Thanks for the tip! Will see if we can get that over here after I hear what the vet says!
Cod liver oil was discovered in the sewers of England several hundred years ago by starving children who drank it and scientists noticed they did not get rickets.*

I know ive said this a few times and sorry for repeating getting practice when I get ols old hahahaha........

I had a GS which had HotSpots around upper legs. It's when I started to give him cod liver oil it stopped. Kept him on it everyday as great for immune system and for us too. Our grandmothers knew something back when. Also I use to pierce I pinhole in the capsule and rub it on the spots. Had to sit with him make sure he doesn't lick it off :) But heh, it work for him so who knows. Nyala still gets her CLO and CO on regular basis. I wash her with Dr Bonner Castille Soap organic natural oils. I use peppermint as peppermint is great for skin, inflammation, muscle pain etc. Ok that's my 2 cent worth :)
Cod liver oil was discovered in the sewers of England several hundred years ago by starving children who drank it and scientists noticed they did not get rickets.*

I know ive said this a few times and sorry for repeating getting practice when I get ols old hahahaha........

I had a GS which had HotSpots around upper legs. It's when I started to give him cod liver oil it stopped. Kept him on it everyday as great for immune system and for us too. Our grandmothers knew something back when. Also I use to pierce I pinhole in the capsule and rub it on the spots. Had to sit with him make sure he doesn't lick it off :) But heh, it work for him so who knows. Nyala still gets her CLO and CO on regular basis. I wash her with Dr Bonner Castille Soap organic natural oils. I use peppermint as peppermint is great for skin, inflammation, muscle pain etc. Ok that's my 2 cent worth :)

Thank you! Always happy to hear anyone on this board's 2 cents :) Yeah, thinking it wouldn't hurt to get something more for her than the coconut oil to help with her skin! Can you just use the cod liver oil capsules for people (might have some in my cupboard)?

We probably shouldn't be bathing her as much as we do, but she's a very active girl, she goes to a dog park twice a day and we like to take her to the beach on the weekends. We can only get away with so many wipe downs with the sand, salt and mud before she needs a proper bath. I've used Dr Bronners for myself before so I know its a good soap :)
Ahhh good soap eh? I buy my capsules at Costco which not sure you guys have that in U K. I think you guys have something called Makro. Husband is from England Sheffield so that's what he's saying. But you can buy that anywhere. Oh and yes it's for humans but most medical n vitamins out there are for both humans n pets. Just read what you are buying and you should be find. Here in Canada we can in some pharmacies you bring your prescription and tell them it's for your pet and they will accept it. USA also has that.

This is my opinion but I would stop going to the dog park till it's healed. You don't want to expose your dog to any other dogs till hotspots, baldness etc is all gone or till you know what causes this problem. Who knows can be other dogs that has an issue and yours is playing with them or touching them and there, your dog catches whatever other dogs might have. Might not even be that but why risk. But that's me. :) oh and check your expiration date on your bottle of CLO. One thing you DONT want is CLO out dated as it can be toxic. Any fish oils read the dates :) They can also get a bit of softer stools which is normal so instead one a day give it in between the coconut oil days. :)
Back from a rather expensive vet's visit! The vet thinks she has allergies and the bald spots are from scratching as the fur is thinning rather than completely falling out. We have a course of antibiotics, Malaseb shampoo and Apoquel pills and due back in 2 weeks to see how she is faring. Also trying a different protein source with the food, grainfree white fish and veg.

Good thing she's so darn cute!
Back from a rather expensive vet's visit! The vet thinks she has allergies and the bald spots are from scratching as the fur is thinning rather than completely falling out. We have a course of antibiotics, Malaseb shampoo and Apoquel pills and due back in 2 weeks to see how she is faring. Also trying a different protein source with the food, grainfree white fish and veg.

Good thing she's so darn cute!
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She is gorgeous.... look at that face!

Good luck with the protein switch.... keep us posted
I agree, she is a beauty!

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