Chloe is being a little poop!


Active member
Jun 23, 2017
WA State
Bulldog(s) Names
Sophie & Chloe (Bella RIP 2019)
So Chloe is now almost 17 weeks. She's doing pretty well on the housetraining front, even making it through 8 hours one night in her crate! But... she hasn't yet been allowed to sleep in our bed (which is what we wind up doing eventually) and I think she's trying to "claim" it. We do let her get onto the bed sometimes and she loves it. Once last week, however, she peed in my spot. Today, she POOPED in my spot! Any thoughts? Is it because I've left for work and she's anxious about it? My husband is still home with her, so that seems odd, but I guess it's possible. Or do you think she is really trying to say "this is MY bed"??? Thank you all.
So Chloe is now almost 17 weeks. She's doing pretty well on the housetraining front, even making it through 8 hours one night in her crate! But... she hasn't yet been allowed to sleep in our bed (which is what we wind up doing eventually) and I think she's trying to "claim" it. We do let her get onto the bed sometimes and she loves it. Once last week, however, she peed in my spot. Today, she POOPED in my spot! Any thoughts? Is it because I've left for work and she's anxious about it? My husband is still home with her, so that seems odd, but I guess it's possible. Or do you think she is really trying to say "this is MY bed"??? Thank you all.

Sheā€™s claiming your side n hubby. Time to remove her from your bed. She wants to be the alpha. I personally never allowed any dogs or cats where I sleep. But thatā€™s me. Only once when I had no choice to potty train a pup so I would know when he got up n bring him out. He was extremely hard to train. After that I gave him the boot. :D
Not nice to have that happen to you bed, for certain, but does a 17-week-old pup claim territory like that? Could it be that she still is unsure about proper indoor behaviour? I mean, 17 weeks is just over four months.
Agreed.... she is claiming ownership of the bed and hubby..... she needs to be shown who is alpha. Nothing in life is free traing is a great easy tool
I have learned over the years that puppies seem to regress around 5 months of age-just when you think they are potty trained.....

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