Brutus Fly Snapping/Partial Seziure Video


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
Brutus had an episode last night and I was able to record most of it! It seems to be happening more at night time after 9pm. I called our hospital and spoke with his Dr...They told me at this point they do not belive it is an OCD issue. The Dr stated he wants to treat this as a partial seziure and start anticonvulsant meds...He mentioned Phenobarbitol but I spoke with @<u><a href="" target="_blank">Libra926</a></u> who told me to ask for Diazepam (Valium)..He told me that if we wait to handle this it could make things worse! I totally agree with him! He asked how Brutus behaves in the morning (most seziures happen early morning) I told him Brutus sleeps till at least 9am with me! He sleeps with me so I would know if he was having a seziure in the morning ( I think I would) I have done so much research on fly snapping and most of it says its partial seziure..Some say its OCD but Im not a beliver anymore! I posted 2 videos and I was only able to catch a couple seconds of the fly snapping but his behavior after is what makes me belive its partial sezuire. In the first and second video not sure if you can see but his face was twitching slightly after the fly snapping!

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Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
United States
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Vegas and Orion
It looks as if he really is seeing something in the first one that he is trying to get. I'm saying this because he does the air snap, then he looks to the floor. Keep recording will take some time, but eventually you will get on video what you need to show his Dr.
The Dr would probably do the phenobarbital first. Phenobarbital is a barbiturate and diazepam is a benzodiazepine. The phenobarb is longer acting. We use diazepam to supplement his phenobarbital.


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
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It looks as if he really is seeing something in the first one that he is trying to get. I'm saying this because he does the air snap, then he looks to the floor. Keep recording will take some time, but eventually you will get on video what you need to show his Dr.
The Dr would probably do the phenobarbital first. Phenobarbital is a barbiturate and diazepam is a benzodiazepine. The phenobarb is longer acting. We use diazepam to supplement his phenobarbital.

Okay I was concerned about the meds...There are side effects that scare me .. THis is what I read :
Phenobarbitol is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs. Frey reports that while dogs rapidly develop tolerance to the sedative and hypnotic effects of phenobarbitol, at high concentrations tolerance may be lost and persistent depressive side effects may appear. Dogs may eat or drink more than their usual amounts. Liver function can be impaired. When use of the drug is terminated, signs of physical dependence (tremors, incoordination, restlessness, seizures) may develop. There is danger of triggering status epilepticus during withdrawal. To avoid this, dosages should be gradually reduced in small steps over a prolonged period.

I was hoping we could wait on the meds....I just dont want to make the wrong decison for him! Thank you so much for everything! I hate to bother you by texting .... Thank you for all you have done! Its great to have someone to talk to about it and give me advice!


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
United States
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Vegas and Orion
Okay I was concerned about the meds...There are side effects that scare me .. THis is what I read :
Phenobarbitol is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs. Frey reports that while dogs rapidly develop tolerance to the sedative and hypnotic effects of phenobarbitol, at high concentrations tolerance may be lost and persistent depressive side effects may appear. Dogs may eat or drink more than their usual amounts. Liver function can be impaired. When use of the drug is terminated, signs of physical dependence (tremors, incoordination, restlessness, seizures) may develop. There is danger of triggering status epilepticus during withdrawal. To avoid this, dosages should be gradually reduced in small steps over a prolonged period.

I was hoping we could wait on the meds....I just dont want to make the wrong decison for him! Thank you so much for everything! I hate to bother you by texting .... Thank you for all you have done! Its great to have someone to talk to about it and give me advice!

Exactly my concern also. In fact, when Vegas was first released from the hospital, they put him on phenobarb. I was aware of all the side effects..and I was scared. He was only 10 months old!!! I didn't want to put this poison into his body!! But without it, he was having cluster seizures..up to 13 in 12 hours. So..I decided to do it. That is why he has to have his blood drawn every few months...they check his liver function. It's very very very expensive. That is why alot of people choose to put their dogs down rather than deal with the disease. Or...drop them off at the shelter for them to dispose of. When the phenobarb was no longer working on it's own, they added potassium bromide. This is the point of Vegas's life where I thought he was dying. We opted NOT to have the MRI and spinal tap. His neurologist told us that if he did have a brain tumor...the coming months would tell us. Vegas would slowly start to stumble and fall. He would no longer be able to use his legs.

Then it happened. He no longer could use his legs. (I tried to find the video...but it's buried somewhere in my archives). I loaded up Vegas and the video and took them both to the ER. Test after test was done. I was an emotional wreck. Finally the ER staff sent the video to his neurologist in Seattle. He immediately called them and told him that Vegas was suffering from what appeared to be Bromism. Basically, he was being overdosed on potassium bromide. It basically made Vegas "drunk". The blood tests would have shown that, but they were not back yet. But, when the tests did come back, they proved that he was way over therapeutic levels on the potassium bromide. So, we weaned him down some...and the rest is history. Vegas has blood work done several times a year for this purpose. To test his levels and to check his liver. When Vegas continued to have seizures every 2 to 3 weeks...they put him on diazepam. He was already topped out on both potassium bromide and this drug helps a little. I do notice that Vegas is not graceful, but who would be on all these drugs? Mostly it's his balance. For the bath video I made a few months ago, I threw a green bean behind him to Orion. Vegas pushed off the counter and fell backwards. We try to keep him safe...which is why he is put in his kennel during work hours. But, you know as well as I do (since you are addicted to Vegas videos like me) that he acts like a normal bulldog. This disease effects him for a few hours every few months. The rest of the time he is a pickle.


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
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Exactly my concern also. In fact, when Vegas was first released from the hospital, they put him on phenobarb. I was aware of all the side effects..and I was scared. He was only 10 months old!!! I didn't want to put this poison into his body!! But without it, he was having cluster seizures..up to 13 in 12 hours. So..I decided to do it. That is why he has to have his blood drawn every few months...they check his liver function. It's very very very expensive. That is why alot of people choose to put their dogs down rather than deal with the disease. Or...drop them off at the shelter for them to dispose of. When the phenobarb was no longer working on it's own, they added potassium bromide. This is the point of Vegas's life where I thought he was dying. We opted NOT to have the MRI and spinal tap. His neurologist told us that if he did have a brain tumor...the coming months would tell us. Vegas would slowly start to stumble and fall. He would no longer be able to use his legs.

Then it happened. He no longer could use his legs. (I tried to find the video...but it's buried somewhere in my archives). I loaded up Vegas and the video and took them both to the ER. Test after test was done. I was an emotional wreck. Finally the ER staff sent the video to his neurologist in Seattle. He immediately called them and told him that Vegas was suffering from what appeared to be Bromism. Basically, he was being overdosed on potassium bromide. It basically made Vegas "drunk". The blood tests would have shown that, but they were not back yet. But, when the tests did come back, they proved that he was way over therapeutic levels on the potassium bromide. So, we weaned him down some...and the rest is history. Vegas has blood work done several times a year for this purpose. To test his levels and to check his liver. When Vegas continued to have seizures every 2 to 3 weeks...they put him on diazepam. He was already topped out on both potassium bromide and this drug helps a little. I do notice that Vegas is not graceful, but who would be on all these drugs? Mostly it's his balance. For the bath video I made a few months ago, I threw a green bean behind him to Orion. Vegas pushed off the counter and fell backwards. We try to keep him safe...which is why he is put in his kennel during work hours. But, you know as well as I do (since you are addicted to Vegas videos like me) that he acts like a normal bulldog. This disease effects him for a few hours every few months. The rest of the time he is a pickle.

I was just nervous that they wanted to start these meds already but they feel like this is the pattern in which dogs are diagnosed with some type of epilepsy..They said based on the fact he already had seziures and now with the fly biting. I thought it was early to be putting these meds in him...I trust the doctors but just wanted to get your take on it since you have been down this road...I just caught 3 more videos of the fly biting while he was laying down, He drools a lot when he sleeps or lays down to the point where the couch is wet! Then after he does this he goes to sleep! I have seen all of Vegas videos...Brutus looks up to Vegas :) We were told by the doctors that Brutus can live a full life like everyone else..WE may have to give him meds everyday and make sure to try and monitor him 24/7 if possbile (I dont work so thts a plus) I am ready to take this on and help Brutus in anyway I have too! Thanks again for everything


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
I am of no help whatsoever. Mugsy had that 1 seizure at the vets and has been chasing flies often as well. At first I wrote it off as his anal glands being full but since he has gone back and gotten them expressed and yet still chases flies. BUT I am also thinking maybe allergies since I know Cutty has done it with allergies as well... ugh I am good at writing things off arent I? Without having anymore seizure episodes tho I am just going to assume he is fine for now. hugs!!!!!


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Dec 9, 2011
Bakersfield, CA
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I agree that it does sound like some type of partial seizure but phenobarbitol is a heavy duty drug. You gotta give it to him if that what they use for dogs with seizures. In humans, there are plenty other medications. Phenobarbitol is an older drug.


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Sep 15, 2011
El Paso, Texas, United States
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Aldo Chocolate, Katara Fiona, Bruno Cannoli
It definitely does not look like a full blown seizure. It doesn't look like OCD either though because he is completely relaxed in the videos. Maybe they can give you the lowest dose of the lightest drug to start with and see how he responds and move up if he continues or if it gets worse. ((hugs))


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
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I was just nervous that they wanted to start these meds already but they feel like this is the pattern in which dogs are diagnosed with some type of epilepsy..They said based on the fact he already had seziures and now with the fly biting. I thought it was early to be putting these meds in him...I trust the doctors but just wanted to get your take on it since you have been down this road...I just caught 3 more videos of the fly biting while he was laying down, He drools a lot when he sleeps or lays down to the point where the couch is wet! Then after he does this he goes to sleep! I have seen all of Vegas videos...Brutus looks up to Vegas :) We were told by the doctors that Brutus can live a full life like everyone else..WE may have to give him meds everyday and make sure to try and monitor him 24/7 if possbile (I dont work so thts a plus) I am ready to take this on and help Brutus in anyway I have too! Thanks again for everything

Hey girlie.... give Bru a big fat hug for me! I do not have much to offer but support -- Cheryl is the best person to help you along this road, but I am here (2 hour drive) if you need me


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
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I agree that it does sound like some type of partial seizure but phenobarbitol is a heavy duty drug. You gotta give it to him if that what they use for dogs with seizures. In humans, there are plenty other medications. Phenobarbitol is an older drug.

Yes after tons of research I cant agree its OCD...Everything I read states these are partial seziures that can turn to grand mal , petit mal :( We are going to be going back on Wed . They usually start them on pheno first (its most popular in dogs with seziures)

It definitely does not look like a full blown seizure. It doesn't look like OCD either though because he is completely relaxed in the videos. Maybe they can give you the lowest dose of the lightest drug to start with and see how he responds and move up if he continues or if it gets worse. ((hugs))

They say its not a full seziure just partial! I dont belive its OCD anymore based on the cases I read about! Everything suggest these are related to sezuires...Thats whta I am going to talk to them about! I wnted to avoid meds but they say its best for him right now ! :( Thanks Ana

Hey girlie.... give Bru a big fat hug for me! I do not have much to offer but support -- Cheryl is the best person to help you along this road, but I am here (2 hour drive) if you need me

I will definatley! [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] Is amazing! I would be a wreck if it wsant for her! She gave me so much info to take to the doctors and so much advice for me on what to do! Thanks for always being there Christine! Brutus is a trooper and I know he will be fine whether this is short term or long term!


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
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I am of no help whatsoever. Mugsy had that 1 seizure at the vets and has been chasing flies often as well. At first I wrote it off as his anal glands being full but since he has gone back and gotten them expressed and yet still chases flies. BUT I am also thinking maybe allergies since I know Cutty has done it with allergies as well... ugh I am good at writing things off arent I? Without having anymore seizure episodes tho I am just going to assume he is fine for now. hugs!!!!!

I remeber the thread you had posted about it..At first I thought nothing of it but then started reading about it and I got scared! Sure enough its not normal to be doing it all the time as Brutus was! Usually it was only at night time but now its turning into different times of the day! Thanks and I will keep you all posted!


My Bully Gave Me Wings
Feb 3, 2012
Woodbridge Township, NJ
Bulldog(s) Names
Abby (my Sweetie Head 10.24.11-11.23.12) and Otis
Roe? Can I make a suggestion? Stop reading!! Remember what you guys all told me? "sometimes Google is not your friend"

Relax, breath and let the doctors do the diagnosing :) Please let me know if I can do anything :hug::hug:


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Apr 18, 2011
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if he isnt having full blown fits have you thought of holistic vet?its just a thought,there are some heavy duty drugs out there for epilepsy ,my daughter has been on them for 25 yrs and the damage done has taken its toll on her,not the same as a dog i know,but if it were me i would be looking down different avenues before commiting to drugs,hope you get to the bottom of it which ever avenue you take,karen


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
I remeber the thread you had posted about it..At first I thought nothing of it but then started reading about it and I got scared! Sure enough its not normal to be doing it all the time as Brutus was! Usually it was only at night time but now its turning into different times of the day! Thanks and I will keep you all posted!

Yes please do, I am very curious and anxious that Mugsy might have another. He bites at flies big time, usually in the evening. Not all the time either. I will be keeping a close eye on him tho for in case.


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
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Roe? Can I make a suggestion? Stop reading!! Remember what you guys all told me? "sometimes Google is not your friend"
Relax, breath and let the doctors do the diagnosing :) Please let me know if I can do anything :hug::hug:

Yes I know! Google is not my friend at all right now! Hubby said the same thing to me! Its all horror stories and such! :)

if he isnt having full blown fits have you thought of holistic vet?its just a thought,there are some heavy duty drugs out there for epilepsy ,my daughter has been on them for 25 yrs and the damage done has taken its toll on her,not the same as a dog i know,but if it were me i would be looking down different avenues before commiting to drugs,hope you get to the bottom of it which ever avenue you take,karen

Thanks Karen! I am very concerned to start these meds as he isnt having full blwon seziures at this time! We are going back to the dr tommorow to discuss what we are going to do! I am on the fence at this point as to what to do! I am so confused and scared if I dont give him the meds its going to get worse and if I do give the meds same thing! You have a great point and I am definatley going to look into that!

Yes please do, I am very curious and anxious that Mugsy might have another. He bites at flies big time, usually in the evening. Not all the time either. I will be keeping a close eye on him tho for in case.

I hope its nothing! They said some dogs fly bite and seziures never occur but b/c he already had 4 in a 2/3 weeks time span and now this they are thinking its definaltey seziure related! I am lucky I dont have to work and can stay home with him! Last night he had 4 fits in 1 hr...His body would be relaxed and then after the biting he would drop his body down and his legs twitched! I only got 2 videos b/c my phone died :bang: I will post them

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