Bruno and the boy


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Pembroke Pines Florida
Bulldog(s) Names
So it was a little chilly in Florida today and my son said we just "had to" get his dog something to put on him. I am not a big fan of clothing on a dog but hey...The things I do for my dog and child :D

I think the pic came out pretty cool. :yes:

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Great Picture, and how about us going from 88 on Tues to 40's on Thursday night here in Florida?? BBbbrrrrr!!!!!
What a wonderful photo! Maybe you should enter it in the photo of the month contest?
Oh that is just adorable, both of your boys are super cute!! It is definitely frame worthy and I think you should enter that picture in the photo contest!
You have to enter this in the photo of the month contest - it's wonderful! Bruno is super cute!

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