Best Whelping Box????

Call me crazy, not sure what that is......I'm sure others will and be along to comment.
We use a wooden one, don't remember where we bought it from. If your good with wood, you can make one fairly easily. Search the web and there are places to buy them and also instructions on how to make one.
To me, a good whelping box will hold a nest full of puppy's. will be able to have a heating pad in it, blankets, able to create a bumpy floor, not near drafts. made of wood or plastic. most are home made and lots of people use kiddie pools. I use a large tub and took the puppy's out to the mom. I don't have any suggestions on anything in specific, as long as it works and easy enough for you and mum. Sorry if I am of little help. I have seen home made ones out of wood 2 x 4's but where do I put it when I'm done? I don't put much stock into the box as much as I do taking care of those little ball's of fur. What ever you decide you will have to get them to mum every two hours and it's dedication no matter what
I use the durawhelp myself. Once they are 3 weeks old and can maintain their body temperature I will switch them back and fourth from it to the kiddie pool, I can clean one while they have a fresh bed in the other. The kiddie pools are also a great place to eat their mush.

The durawhelp is fantastic, because the surface is smooth it cleans like a dream. The side banisters can be removed and it also folds up for easy storage. It has very tall sides and a door. I put a sheet over it to help hold in warmth from the heat lamp and heat pad. It is much easier to maintain a 80-85 degree zone without heating your whole house for those first 3 weeks. The problem with using wood whlping boxes is that it absorbs pee, and trust me you will have plenty of that!!!

I have the 3'x3' but I would like to eventually get a 4'x4' one as well.
Here's one that I just made. I used 1 sheet of 4x8 plywood and some 2x2 studs to brace the corners. A simple latch and hinge for the door. I sanded everything smooth to prevent any splintering or any sharp spots. $25 and an hour later I was done.

It's in the garage for now until I need it, then its going in my room with a tarp to line the floor.

How necessary do u guys feel pig rails are? If I only plan to let mom in supervised to feed the pups I don't see a need for them. Any thoughts?

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Thanks for the replies. I was actually looking into the durawhelp. They seem to be a good solid product. The kiddie pool idea is great too. I will keep that in mind. I'll keep you posted on the litter as time goes by. My female should go into heat within the next week or two.

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