Beef trachea chews

Is a moose paddle a antler or is it different??

Is there any other dental Toys I can give that will clean his teeth?

We donā€™t give the dogs antlers or horns or nylabones cause we had bad experience with those in the past with the dogs.

But any other chews you know of that will help clean their teeth? I started giving them marrow bones last week and they LOVED it! I will continue to give them to the dogs. Once they are done getting out the marrow and the bone is clean I throw it away cause I though thatā€™s what we were supposed to do.
Moose paddle is an antlerā€¦. Iā€™ve had two for about 12 years.. no edges or issues with them at all. I bought them for Banks when we first moved in this house and after she passed Lambeau took them over. the one paddle is his ā€˜potty paddleā€˜, has to go to the yard with him every time we go out.
Moose paddle is an antlerā€¦. Iā€™ve had two for about 12 years.. no edges or issues with them at all. I bought them for Banks when we first moved in this house and after she passed Lambeau took them over. the one paddle is his ā€˜potty paddleā€˜, has to go to the yard with him every time we go out.

Oh ok, no issues with broken teeth or anything? Or no pieces breaking off/chipping of the antler?
Oh ok, no issues with broken teeth or anything? Or no pieces breaking off/chipping of the antler?
Correct.. nothing for any of them, Cheli even occasionally will grab it and chew for a few minutes

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