When to switch from puppy to adult food?


New member
Feb 24, 2018
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi all, Duff is on Fromm Heartland large breed puppy food and loves it. He's 13 months now I was wondering when he should switch to adult food. Any ideas?
Hi all, Duff is on Fromm Heartland large breed puppy food and loves it. He's 13 months now I was wondering when he should switch to adult food. Any ideas?

Puppy food brand has different ingredients made just for puppies but once they’re over a year old you can definitely change. Stick to one protein per bag so you can monitor issues like allergies “if” any. Much easier down the road for you n Duff. Since he’s done well on Fromm, stay with the same as they do have the one protein bags. As protein, that bag has pork, beef n lamb. So start with example pork or lamb.. just a thought. :)
I always switched at 11 months... when I was feeding Fromm

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