angry at my bully

Kristyle Morton

New member
Apr 13, 2011
Washington State
Bulldog(s) Names
ok so i feel totally bad about posting this but..
my bully is on my nerves worse than ever! he'll be 3 in about two weeks and he doesn't do anything..seriously. he sleeps, eats, pees & poops. he doesn't play with my 3 yr old son, he doesn't play at all unless it's with his rope & he will only play for little bit then go lay back down. he sharts (yes, sharts) on the carpet, when he goes outside to pee he only pees a little at a time & then comes back in, he's hiked his leg 2x so far in the house (once on my bed & the other on my husbands workout bag) and he blows his snot all into the carpet, on the wall or onto my couch.
does anyone else's bulldog do any of this? i've been fine with it up until lately because it's like this every single husband thinks i'm being "mean" but i'm a stay at home mom and we have another dog also. we have 1 car so it's not like i can leave and get away for a break when i want... :bang: i'm just so irritated! we're having him fixed in june before we take our trip home to Texas & i hope something changes with him as a result. we bought him from a breeder in California with papers for $2600 & right now i feel like he's a total waste. if it wouldn't upset my son & husband, i'd find him a new home. i love him but i just can't take this! on top of that, my husband is trying to go special forces (and if all goes as planned he will be deployed soon) so while he's gone i'll have to do this all alone. we want to add baby #2 to our family but how can i do that knowing i'm this stressed about small stuff..but the small stuff that happens everyday ends up being a big annoyance everyday. :crazy: help.
All sounds like typical bully stuff! Once they get past that 2 year mark they turn into that lazy bully adult. All that sounds like just another day in my life with my Samson even the snot all over, even sometimes in my face :lol::eek: Fixing him should (but not always) help with the peeing/marking in the house, when they are neutered as pups it really helps stop it before it starts. He will always shoot snot everywhere, always spend his days just peeing, pooing and sleeping with an occassional burst of energy. Samson doesnā€™t shart per say but he often poos and some is still left on his booty so if I donā€™t catch it before he sits down it may end up on the couch, his dog bed, the lazy boy, etc so yup just another bully thing. Maybe you just don't like bullys, I say that because basically it seems like you don't like all the things that bullys do. I HATE to say it but maybe you should find him a new home, otherwise you will be unhappy (it sounds like) and you will just end up resenting your bully more and more which is in my opinion is not fair to your bully because all a bully really lives for is human companionship, love and acceptance. If you do decide to find a new home for him PLEASE PLEASE choose wisely or contact your local bully rescue to have them do it for you. The bulldog just isnā€™t the right dog for a lot of people so I would hate for you to find a home for him that again doesnā€™t work out then he just ends up being passed from home to home his whole life.
I agree with Tessa, most of the stuff just sounds like a bully. Do you ever try to play with him and pet him yourself? I know for me, I love the laziness factor mainly because I do have 4 kids. Makes them very easy to care for, and it is just another child in the house that I spend an extra 5 minutes doing the morning wipe down, and my bullies are great, loving and very tolerable of my children. They really do love human companionship, and if this is not happening I also wonder if there is something else that is causing him not to feel well.

I am wondering what you are feeding him, because sometimes there is not enough vitamins and nutrients in many dog foods. A switch to a great food can help with the energy level (and the sharts)!
Yep I agree that is normal everyday life with a bulldog. Not everyone is a bulldog person I suppose and if these traits bother you then I would say for sure you arent. lol. What does your husband say about all of this? I personally cannot imagine being so frustrated with my boys, it must be hard on you and your pup. They can sense everything and if he senses your lack of happiness with him then his marking is most likely in spite of you. You say he just turned 3, you mean 3 years? If he just started marking at 3 years I would def say he is trying to get your attention that he isnt happy about something. How long have you felt this way? Did something change or has it always been a tough relationship with him? What kind of pup is your other one and how do you feel about him? If you bought him from a good breeder they would want him back in the case of you needing to rehome him. You may want to ask them to see. Otherwise I say PLEASE rehome into rescue or somebody who you know who loves all that stuff that bothers you. Every pup deserves to be spoiled and smooched and if that cant happen at your house then I think it would be a brave thing for you to find the best place for him so you all can be happy.
Well..I am going to wade in on this too. I am a new bully owner. This breed isn't the kind of dog you Get on the spur of the moment. I knew more about this kind of dog then my husband! You spent a lot of money and when you said you didn't think he was "worth it" broke my heart. What could you truly expect from him? He probably is less demanding of you than anyone in your life. You're right..they pee and poop and drool and eat and sleep..oh ya..and sleep some more. I bet your other dog does most of this too. I agree with someone before me..I bet his markings are in response to how you feel towards him. All dogs are very in tune to their humans..they feel your stress and anger. They feel your love and most of all they feel when you don't love them. I give you credit for being forthright about your feelings. I give you no credit for holding this or any dog in such low regard. I sense some real turmoil in your life and maybe it is easy to blame a drooling,slobbering,peeing,pooping,lazy ..but beautiful dog. After all, he can be sloughed off and the other problems will still be there. Be honest with yourself and if a new home is best for him..then find him a great loving home. I wish you peace and I wish Bodacious a new beginning..with you or a new family.
Oh, wow!! I am sorry you are feeling that way. It reminds me a lot like how Winston was back in 2008. Found out it was because he was jelouse on the new baby. Please, please find out whats wrong. Then if that doesn't settle things find him a loving home. Good luck to both of ya'll.
I agree with someone before me..I bet his markings are in response to how you feel towards him. All dogs are very in tune to their humans..they feel your stress and anger. They feel your love and most of all they feel when you don't love them.

I hadn't thought of that until you and Jenn pointed it out but that makes alot of sense. Especially because while all dogs are in tune with their humans I believe bulldogs are more so than most other breeds, they are very sensitive and are VERY in tune with human emotion. My Samson feels sad when I am sad, is happy when I am happy, it's a kind of connection I have never had with any other dog. Whenever he has been in trouble for anything he gets very depressed which is why I could never stay mad at him for long because it kills me to see him like that.
Thank you for being so honest, that takes a lot of courage :hug2:. I am just wondering a few things. The other dog, is that an "un-fixed" mail as well? If yes, he might just be marking what he claims to be "his".
Could he have a medical issue like blather infection, urinal track or something like that? This causes excessive peeing and if he is not feeling well, this might be his reasoning for sleeping/napping all day.
Maybe you should have him checked out at the vets just to make sure that he is alright.

However I do agree with the people that advise you to look in to the fact if you are a real bully person. It would not be fair to you and the dog if this would be typical bulldog behavior and if you could not help but hold it against him.
All sounds like typical bully stuff! Once they get past that 2 year mark they turn into that lazy bully adult. All that sounds like just another day in my life with my Samson even the snot all over, even sometimes in my face :lol::eek: Fixing him should (but not always) help with the peeing/marking in the house, when they are neutered as pups it really helps stop it before it starts.

My Brutus is just over a year and at that year mark he was marking and peeing all over the house, my fiance's work clothes and his work shoes. We had him fixed a couple weeks ago and knock on wood the marking has stopped in the house. He's still doing it outside, but hey as long as it's outside who cares. As for the snot, it's sooo gross but is always there. It's on my carpet, in my face and even manages to get on the TV. Just a bully trait....I wipe it down mindlessly now because it's become a way of life. Give it a little bit of time and if you really feel he is not fitting in I'm sure there are many out there that would jump at the chance to own him :)
Wow! I'm really sorry your feeling this way. Take a deep breath and try to be optimistic. If he has always been like this and you have always loved him, and dealt with his messiness, and laziness, maybe your just having a bad stressful day, and this is what you need to vent about. I think he sounds like a typical bully. Not to sound gross but I have to laugh when ruckus comes to give me a kiss and snorts snot everywhere. I do also feel bad for your bully to though. He wants so much to please you and probably has no idea what is expected from him in order to do just that. Like I said, take a couple deep breaths and hopefully all will work out for the best for all of you.
It takes a special person to fall in love with a bulldog and all the bully stuff. The "sharts" are probably food related. Fix him up with a good quality food...and you may have just solved one of your problems. Simple rule of thumb....if you see a commercial for a brand of food on tv, it's CRAP food. Check out our dog food ratings. If you think the quality food is too expensive, it's really not. Feeding a correct amount, usually 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup twice daily, a large bag should last you 30 to 45 days. That's $10 a week. Less than a $1.50 a day. .75 cents a meal.

Bulldogs are not active dogs. They are too fat and lazy to care about much more than food and sleep. Playing with the rope probably is too much exercise! Playing with a child? Pure exhausting.
I agree, this breed is super sensitive to your emotions. They are extremely smart....and can hold a grudge. This is not your average dog. He's probably peeing just to let you know he can.
The excess snot blowing? Probably fix this with a change in food also. Bulldogs can have allergies like you wouldn't believe. Just like a child with a cold and constant runny nose....bulldogs can have watery eyes and a runny nose if they are experiencing allergies to their food. I've seen my share of children wiping their icky noses on their arms and hands. Dogs will do this too. Except, they will use your couch, clothes and carpet.

Also, these guys like to think they are children. If you treat them like one, you might get more love that you EVER wanted from your fur-kid.

Take a step back and look at it from another angle. Try changing the food for starters. (if you are already feeding a 5 or 6 star food...then this is where I stick my foot in my mouth and say...OOPS)

Try sitting on the couch and just petting and loving on your bulldog. Understand that this breed is faithful! But sleep and food come before any and everything.

Stress is a tough thing to deal with. It doesn't make it any easier when you have an obnoxious four legged snorter causing you problems. If you are able to find a way to see "eye to eye" with your bully (I don't think you've stated his name) He might just be your salvation later on down the line.

And, if you just can't handle it...I will take him. I also live in Washington State!
I really hope things work out.
First off :hug2: you need to get things in stock.
Is a misbehaving Bully really at the root of your unhappiness,
Or are you already unhappy and stressed and a misbehaving bully is adding to the strain.
All of your problems with Bodacious can be resolved with a little patience, love and training (for you both)
A lot of very good advise has been given already I don't need to repeat it.
All I will say is think hard before you decide to re-home him.
if you do so in anger and frustration you may regret it in the long term.
Take a step back and think if it is really all his fault? I hope you will find it is not.
And make steps to love your Bully again for all that he is....Snotty, Lazy, Clumsy, Smelly, and Snorty.
After all you can change bad habits such as peeing and pooing in the home with patience and training,
But you cannot make his most beautiful and treasured assets go away He is what He is!!
Sounds to me like you need a "mommy day". Is there anyone who would watch your child (and your dogs) for a day and you could get away and do something for yourself? Shopping, spa, gym, manicure/pedicure, going to the park....whatever you find relaxing. I'm no expert, but this doesn't sound like an issue with your bully. I very recently went through this same thing. I have three kids (and a demanding husband), two dogs, three cats and I work part-time in a very stressful doctors office. As mothers we tend to put ourselves last and it eventually catches up with us. We all have a breaking point. Sounds like you've reached yours. You need to take some time to yourself and clear your mind. Then when these little things start happening again, you'll be able to deal with them in a more calm manner. Bulldogs are high-maintentance dogs, even when they are just 'sleeping eating and pooping'. That isn't going to change. So try to find a way to deal with his 'quirks' and you will be pleasantly surprised at the wonderful dog underneath it all. Keep your head up. Things will get better.:hug2:
agree with all the above,people say because they may become couch potatoes then they must be easier tho deal with,how wrong because sometimes other problems arise like the ones you mentioned,unfortunatly he may never change and you have your hands full by the sounds of it,its great that you admitted to rehoming him if things dont change,i think that although you love him dearly your human family come first and the added stress you can do without ,i feel for you and hope you make the descision thats good for you ,good luck ,karen

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