All the fun will stop after Christmas/New Years...


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
well.. we were late to Christmas Eve mass (and had to STAND through the entire service).. because Chester would NOT come in from playing in the snow (and we all had our good shoes on and couldn't walk through the backyard to get him.) :down:

He will no longer have my tree skirt to make his "blanket" and fall asleep and drool on

No more ornaments to knock off the tree

And I will put away one of the fake poinsettia plant that I have on my living room floor which has become his "sniffing" obsession...

All this fun will be gone very soon.. I wonder what will be next for him.. what will he do with my Easter decorations?? <o
I think you just need to give Chester the tree skirt for a blanket.
This is why my tree is in my gated off living room, where the girls can't get to it. But, speaking of tree skirts... this is a photo my daughter took of Arrow wearing our tree skirt, as we were putting the tree up.

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Perfect size for a pup blanket!
I have a sarape that I used like a shawl if I got a little chilly. Its thin cotton. Her highness crawled under it on the couch probably her first week here. It's hers and in her bed now. If I get chilly I have to use something else.
I'm with everybody else .... time to get a new tree skirt and let Chester keep his new "blanket"!! :lol:
as I sit here at 7:15 in the morning..just let him out of his pen and he made quick tracks over to the tree skirt and is laying down!! LOL
AAaaawww ...... Chester loves his blanket/tree skirt! How can you say no to such a kiss-abull face!
Sounds like you have lost your tree skirt for next year as Chester has a new blankie! They have great after Christmas sales on decorations and tree skirts!

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