Abby is in the hospital


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Feb 14, 2012
Estevan, Sask
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Good to here she is home, my wife and I were just thinking that can't be good for her... Great News!


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Nov 8, 2011
Millbrook, Alabama
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Aubrey (RIP 5-4-12), Aubie Shug (DOB 3-23-12)
My heart stopped when I saw this at first! I am so glad she is home!! Get well soon Abby... Shug and I are thinking about you! :hug:


My Bully Gave Me Wings
Feb 3, 2012
Woodbridge Township, NJ
Bulldog(s) Names
Abby (my Sweetie Head 10.24.11-11.23.12) and Otis
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Abby ate big tonight. :up: I took her to see nuVet for her chiropractic adjustment. He looked over her new blood test results and gave us 2 different liver support supplements. OMG can I just tell you these smell like dirty cat litter :barf: Then she eats them and wants to come kiss me!! LOL

:heart: LOVE stinky sweetie head nibbles. :heart:

Her liver is just a couple of inches away from failing on us too. The goal is to stop that. She is also walking on the street to pancreatitis, there's still lots of time to stop that. I love this guy. He looks at every single value and analyzes it in the most complete detail. I almost feel like a med student in his office.

*Glucose is high from stress. This is why it fluctuates so often. No matter what I have to keep her calm and relaxed.

*Creatinine is high at 3, Calcium high at 11.2 and Phosphorous high at 10.4 are not as high as the results lead us to believe. The reference ranges these are for adult dogs, Abby is still a puppy, they are normally a little higher in younger dogs. So, with that in mind, it puts calcium right on target into normal range and creatinine into just a little high but phosphorous is still dangerously high.

*Her protein level is perfect! But the low albumin means that there is some leaking out into her blood.

*Urea Nitrogen is poisoning her blood, we have to stop that IMMEDIATELY. With her BUN being almost 200, we are fighting the uremia hard but if we lose... we lose everything. Game over I guess you could say.
(what is uremia - from pets webmd...
As kidney function declines, the dog retains ammonia, nitrogen, acids, and other chemical wastes in her blood and tissues. This is called uremia. Signs of uremia are apathy and depression, loss of appetite and weight, a dry haircoat, a brownish discoloration to the surface of the tongue, and an ammonialike odor to the breath. Dogs at this stage may urinate less than normal. Ulcers may arise in the mouth. With the nephrotic syndrome the dog develops ascites and edema. Vomiting , diarrhea , and gastrointestinal bleeding may occur. At the end stages of kidney failure, the dog falls into a coma.)
Abbyhead has had most of those symptoms since Monday night (that's why I keep smelling her breath) And that number is still dangerously high, she is still a very sick little girl.

*I was wrong about the platelet count. Normally that being so high would mean an infection but Abby doesn't have a fever so that's leading them to dehydration. nuVet says that no matter what, she has to have 600ml of fluid a day. Be it in her drinking bowl or through subQ fluid injections. I don't measure her water. I have to start.

*Low Albumin means either a bleed somewhere in her body (ulcer) or losing protein in her urine.

*And that RBC/HGB/HCT I was wondering about? Those are red cell counts. Those numbers being low mean she is anemic and has red cell destruction.

Those are the highlights of her CBC today. Feel like a kidney specialist yet? lol
Welcome to my roller coaster ride :hug:


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Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
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The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
I cannot even begin to tell you how relieved I am that she is home with you. Sounds like you have a lot to keep working on, I hope all the levels get better. And soon too. How long will they wait to do another panel?


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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[MENTION=4225]Twice[/MENTION] thank GOD she is back at home with you and eating!! Big bully hugs and kisses to you and Abby..... keep us posted and go try to get some rest!!


My Bully Gave Me Wings
Feb 3, 2012
Woodbridge Township, NJ
Bulldog(s) Names
Abby (my Sweetie Head 10.24.11-11.23.12) and Otis
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I cannot even begin to tell you how relieved I am that she is home with you. Sounds like you have a lot to keep working on, I hope all the levels get better. And soon too. How long will they wait to do another panel?

The doctors said we should wait a month to retest. If there is a GI something going on in her we need to clear that out before we can retest. The IV antibiotics will help with that.

My inner 12 year old is secretly thrilled that the pitched a fit like she did when we were leaving. Otherwise she would still be in the hospital and I would still be sitting her crying like a baby. But my outter grown up knows that the hospital is probably the best place for her to be. I'm watching her every move which is easy because she hasn't left my side since we got home. If I see one tiny little sign that she is getting sicker we are going back and I don't care how upset it makes her. I'll sleep in the cage next to her if I have to :)


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
Hoping a good nights sleep for her (I know you wont sleep any) will do much needed good. Will be checking in for a fabulously good report in the morning. :hug:


"Slug Assassin" and PBS Gardening Dweeb
Jun 23, 2011
Mukilteo, Washington State
Bulldog(s) Names
Beefeater's Buxom Beatrice and Lord Harrington's Bodacious Beauregaard
Rollercoaster ride is right. Sheesh. I'm just now seeing this thread. So very happy to hear Abby is back home and doing well. :heart:

When I first log into EBN and I see a sad-ish Abby thread, my heart always skips a beat then sinks and I wince. I can't help it. I'm a Virgo. We do that crap.

She's our little miracle here and her mama is an amazing, wonderful woman. I am so proud to be witnessing the miracle of lil' Abbypants. (I put "pants" on the ends of random words as a term of endearment. I know. It's weird.)

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