A suggestion for "Saturdays"


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
A member asked if we had a themed avatar day. So maybe on Saturdays we do an avatar theme.

So, tomorrow, let's see a picture of yourself with your bully for your avatar? I think it would be awesome to see all of your mugs, and so did the requestor! :)
I have very few of myself with my bullies and kids. I am the photographer in the house so I rarely get photographed!
Thanks [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], now to do my hair and get outside for pics, like you I am always the one taking the pics. so I have I think one of us and it's when we first got him, pics. posted later today, ....after coffee..... and I think I will even get out of my PJ's!!
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], I really didn't mean to change our avatars, just maybe post a pic, I really like the breast cancer support avatars. Now to finish my coffee, and get dressed.....well in a little bit......or maybe later...LOL
OK, this is what I was asking, being A.D.D, (seriously) I do better with visuals, although I am getting to know all the dogs names by pictures, I was wanting people to post pictures of themselves with their bully's so I can visualize who I am responding/chatting/reading/laughing with..... here goes...

Mommy~Kelly and Vegas


Daddy~Joe and Vegas

We can not get one of all 3 of us until there is someone else here to take one. I hope to see more pictures of owners and their baby's!! Thanks
Has anyone ever told you that you resemble Fergie?

Those pics are too cute. I totally get the everyone being in the picture thing, it will NEVER happen here. Ever. I would need super powers to make that happen!
Has anyone ever told you that you resemble Fergie?

Those pics are too cute. I totally get the everyone being in the picture thing, it will NEVER happen here. Ever. I would need super powers to make that happen!

[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], Wow thank you for the compliment about Fergie, and although I don't see it I have been told several times, either her or Martina McBride (country singer).
Why do you think it would NEVER happen that people post pics of themselves with their bully's? Maybe we should start a new thread to see?? I get so used to seeing and loving the pics. of all the bully's that I am surprised when I actually see the owner in some. I thought it was a good idea.
Sure, why don't you start the thread [MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] so you get the bully bucks for it :)

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