
Active member
Jun 23, 2017
WA State
Bulldog(s) Names
Sophie & Chloe (Bella RIP 2019)
Hi everyone,
We just brought home eight-week-old baby Chloe on Sunday afternoon. All has been well, until yesterday evening when we noticed her cough a little. She has been otherwise totally puppy-like - eating, drinking (a lot! is that normal?), playing, sleeping, peeing etc... Today she is coughing off and on still and sometimes breathing a little fast. I assume the fast breathing is just puppy normal, but we are concerned about her nonetheless. Once this morning she did finally hack a little something up but I think it was just phlegmy with a couple pieces food (only saw video as my husband is home with her.) Circumstances as they are we don't get to have her seen by our vet until next Tuesday... and that seems VERY far away, considering.

Any tips, things I should do, not do??? Of course, we are contacting the breeder and if anything changes or if we can't take it any more she's going to emergency clinic/urgent vet visit. Thank you all!
You could put her in the bathroom w/a hot shower going... so she can breathe in the steam to loosen any phlegm, and/or keep a humidifier going. I would be extremely cautious and keep a close eye on this... because she is so little, and pneumonia can become very serious w/this breed. Is she eating and acting normal?!!
Hi everyone,
We just brought home eight-week-old baby Chloe on Sunday afternoon. All has been well, until yesterday evening when we noticed her cough a little. She has been otherwise totally puppy-like - eating, drinking (a lot! is that normal?), playing, sleeping, peeing etc... Today she is coughing off and on still and sometimes breathing a little fast. I assume the fast breathing is just puppy normal, but we are concerned about her nonetheless. Once this morning she did finally hack a little something up but I think it was just phlegmy with a couple pieces food (only saw video as my husband is home with her.) Circumstances as they are we don't get to have her seen by our vet until next Tuesday... and that seems VERY far away, considering.

Any tips, things I should do, not do??? Of course, we are contacting the breeder and if anything changes or if we can't take it any more she's going to emergency clinic/urgent vet visit. Thank you all!

totally agree with Tracey... steam showers and watch closet, puppy can very quickly get pneumonia
just noticed this post. How is she doing? Hopefully the cough it gone by now. Being over excited and stressed, being in a new home, can cause them to cough a little from overexertion. Watch for lethargy, loss of appetite, labored breathing etc. Mila had a lot of issues with stressful situations when she was a puppy.
It's been a few days, I am hoping the little pup is doing ok.. please give us an update when you can.

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