Why does my cat keep doing this????


New member
Apr 3, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Rosie aka Rosebud, Rosie Posie
Ever have an animal that does that ONE thing that just drives you NUTS??? My cat Belle is on my last nerve. For the last year she has had an obsession with cups/glasses of water. She will hunt down any cup that is left unattended and pull it over with her paw, spilling the water (or milk, or fruit punch, or mt dew) all over the place. Then she just walks away! Like it never happened! She does not drink from the cup, doesn't drink what she spills. She just absolutely hates a cup standing upright with liquid in it! My cats have an automatic waterer and I make sure it is always full. She is not thirsty, she is just neurotic! I can pour a cup of water, set it on the table and walk into the other room. Not 10 seconds later I hear the *clunk* of the glass and the sound of water dripping onto the floor. I walk back into the room and her fat, furry but just hops off the table like nothing ever happened, and I'm left with a big mess. This happens several times EVERY day! With three kids you can imagine how many cups get left unattended! Anyone elses cats do something bizarre like this??:bang:

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OMG, I had a cat that did that exact same thing. His name was Mokey. I think the one thing that drove me completely nuts was our cat Crash would suck on everything! He would manage to get into my room at night and jump up and I would wake up with him sucking my hair. GROSS!
My cat Daisy loves to knock things off counters. I mean "anything" can opener, cereal boxes, spoons, cups and even heavier stuff. God forbid you put anything on her cat trees. I left my purse temporarily on one of the catbeds and seconds later it came crashing down. She had such a look of satisfaction about that one. Got to keep an eye on her since what she knocks off lands below to the dogs. Like a child, she seems to enjoy watching things fall.

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One of my cats will wait until I'm comfy in the evening watching TV and will chose that time to climb on my chest and give me kisses. Never mind the movie mummy's watching cos OJ needs some love NOW :lol:
I'm allergic to cat dander that most cats seem to exude so we don't have the pleasure of having a neurotic cat. So we got a neurotic bulldog instead. :lol:
I have allergies to cat dander too but it only seems to last through the kitten stage.
As I always considered myself a cat person I have persevered with the help of allergy meds and cortisone eye drops to get me through kitty phase :)

I suppose you could say my other cat Bailey is truely neurotic but it doesn't bother me, she will not go outside unless someone is with her, she will not sit with anyone but me, she hides if visitors come and when Lucy first came home she spent 2 weeks sat on top of the kitchen cabinets and only came down when she realised that Lucy was here for good. If she hears a noise she doesn't recognise she growls and hides and she is frightened of flies :eek: but she is my best friend and melts when I stroke her :luv:
My cat Daisy loves to knock things off counters. I mean "anything" can opener, cereal boxes, spoons, cups and even heavier stuff. God forbid you put anything on her cat trees. I left my purse temporarily on one of the catbeds and seconds later it came crashing down. She had such a look of satisfaction about that one. Got to keep an eye on her since what she knocks off lands below to the dogs. Like a child, she seems to enjoy watching things fall.


That is hilarious! Thankgoodness Belle's fascination is limited to cups for the time being! I guess I'm not used to a cat having a personality. My other two cats are very 'normal'=they hide when company comes over, they eat and sleep all day and don't bother anyone. Belle definately makes herself be known. And she's Momma's Girl too! Which makes it even harder to get on her when she does something naughty. Which is probably why she keeps doing it!!:lol:
@Lucy-licious. Oh that is priceless! Bailey is afraid of flies? I love how different cats are. Besides Daisy, I have two other cats that I got from separate shelters. They are approximately the same age and they are still like kittens even though they are 2 years old. I call them my baby angels. They get along but have completely different personalities. Chloe my Tuxedo is very calm and sweet and loves to snuggle into my neck while Betty my Tortie doesn't like to be held but insists on her back being petted. Betty also likes to retrieve her mouse toys and will do this endlessly. Both will cry for me to come upstairs when it's past bedtime.

Before I came crazy dog person ... with 7 of them ... I had the title of crazy cat lady because at one point I had five of them. Each and every one of them was so totally different in character that it still annoys me when people assume that cats are these aloof creatures that only appear when it's feeding time.

Charlie .. who was in fact a girl ... was a total diva and princess. She could probably teach HRH a few things when it came to it!! Her daughter, Mudge, was the clown of the household. If there was a hole you would guarantee she'd find it. Then fall into it. Yep .. a cat who could actually stumble and fall (usually backwards) into any type of hole. She was my baby, and I still have her ID collar on my keys. :*(

We kept one of Mudge's sons ..... Pumpkin. A gloriously handsome long-haired tabby, who was so photogenic it was unbelievable. Every pic was christmas or birthday card worthy. He was my male model!!

Then we got two tabby kittens that the kids got when they were very little. Toffee and Truffle. Truffle was like an egyptian/siamese cat - long and lean with a really pointed face and huge ears. He was a little neurotic. :crazy:

Toffee was the couch potato. He would actually walk in from outside to use the cat litter tray inside. He never strayed more than two feet from the house.

ALL totally different, except for one thing .... either Coco (my oldest dog) thinks she is a cat, or they all thought they were dogs. Either way all my cats and all my dogs have always lived in perfect harmony!!
@Lucy-licious. Oh that is priceless! Bailey is afraid of flies? I love how different cats are. Besides Daisy, I have two other cats that I got from separate shelters. They are approximately the same age and they are still like kittens even though they are 2 years old. I call them my baby angels. They get along but have completely different personalities. Chloe my Tuxedo is very calm and sweet and loves to snuggle into my neck while Betty my Tortie doesn't like to be held but insists on her back being petted. Betty also likes to retrieve her mouse toys and will do this endlessly. Both will cry for me to come upstairs when it's past bedtime.

Chloe and Betty are so pretty! You need to include them in your profile pic! My 'middle child' cat, Radar, will cry for me too. But it's normally because he is lost in the house and can't find me. No, my house is not that big, he's just that dumb! Poor guy is a few fries short of a happy meal but he is just so sweet!
Before I came crazy dog person ... with 7 of them ... I had the title of crazy cat lady because at one point I had five of them. Each and every one of them was so totally different in character that it still annoys me when people assume that cats are these aloof creatures that only appear when it's feeding time.

Charlie .. who was in fact a girl ... was a total diva and princess. She could probably teach HRH a few things when it came to it!! Her daughter, Mudge, was the clown of the household. If there was a hole you would guarantee she'd find it. Then fall into it. Yep .. a cat who could actually stumble and fall (usually backwards) into any type of hole. She was my baby, and I still have her ID collar on my keys. :*(

We kept one of Mudge's sons ..... Pumpkin. A gloriously handsome long-haired tabby, who was so photogenic it was unbelievable. Every pic was christmas or birthday card worthy. He was my male model!!

Then we got two tabby kittens that the kids got when they were very little. Toffee and Truffle. Truffle was like an egyptian/siamese cat - long and lean with a really pointed face and huge ears. He was a little neurotic. :crazy:

Toffee was the couch potato. He would actually walk in from outside to use the cat litter tray inside. He never strayed more than two feet from the house.

ALL totally different, except for one thing .... either Coco (my oldest dog) thinks she is a cat, or they all thought they were dogs. Either way all my cats and all my dogs have always lived in perfect harmony!!
I love hearing about all the different personalities! Mudge sounds like a real ham! I love how different all of the animals are!
my cat is just a pain in the bum!!!!!. shes so antisocial and is forever terrorizing my dog lol,,karen
Rosie'sMom- I have the same freakin problem. One of our cats will push the glass with her paw until it falls on the floor and the liquid goes everywhere. It drives me nuts, as you said. I'm thinking of something to invent so the glasses can't be moved, like some kinda magnetic coaster or something. ARG!! I share your frustration

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