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Dec 30, 2010
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Thru the years even as a youngster i had a zoo from birds to fish to lizards snakes nowadays im down to 3 dogs Coda the bull dog Xander the shih tzu and Oso the rottie but it doesnt stop there...i have 11 ball pythons one green tree python and a cali king snake...of course i breed my own rats for feeding my snakes so that involves around 40 rats in their own building and last but not least my HTCT leopard gecko
Oh my word 13 snakes :eek:
Pics please my son loves snakes n lizards but i wont get them, coz muggins here will be the one to look after them and i am not so keen :crazy:
wow sorry bout the size but those are a few of what i have/had ...will work on resizing and add more pics later on
OHH I would scream like a girl in your house!!
I'm so scarred of snakes. The last one looks
really cool though.
OHH I would scream like a girl in your house!!
I'm so scarred of snakes. The last one looks
really cool though.

I agree that last one does look cool but i too would be screamin right there with you
I check this sight mainly on my ipad n even pulled my hand away from the screen fast when the pic loaded :eek:
I am such a wuss :crazy:
Beautiful creatures!!! Have you ever seen the show on Animal Planet called Fatal Attraction? I saw an episode where this man had a bunch of lizards running free in his apartment... anyway, no one had seen this guy for several days and they had the cops go to this guys place and the iguana's ate the man and left his skeleton.

I don't know why I just told you that... :eek:
I don't mind snakes or reptiles. I don't want any in my house, but they don't make me scream.. Now the rats, on the other hand.... I don't even want to think about those! (If I even thought there were mice (let alone RATS!!!:eek:) in my house, I'd have to MOVE OUT!!!). Please PLEASE don't post pics of the rats! I'd have to shut my laptop and not come back. I've even had nightmares of rats, ever since I was a little kid. I don't know why, it's not like we had rodents in our house or anything. I admit, I have issues...
I was tryin to forget about the rats [MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION] :)
Some cool looking reptiles, and Coda looks awesome, if that's him in your avatar.

Would love to see your Cali King Snake... Haven't seen one of those since I was a kid when one crawled up my brother's pant leg while we played in the front yard.
first off is my cali king...old pic so he was still young

2nd pic is Ball python with her clutch of eggs

3rd is my rat rack

4th is pic of Coda...shes still a pup on this pic...9 wks

for ya fish lovers...2 convicts and a loach
yes a small zoo...i think its funny coz when i get ppl at my house i usually show them all the snakes and feel like a tour guide going from one room to the other where theyre all located.
Beautiful creatures!!! Have you ever seen the show on Animal Planet called Fatal Attraction? I saw an episode where this man had a bunch of lizards running free in his apartment... anyway, no one had seen this guy for several days and they had the cops go to this guys place and the iguana's ate the man and left his skeleton.

I don't know why I just told you that... :eek:

[MENTION=1046]bulldog family[/MENTION] You now have a line of [MENTION=1621]bfletch13[/MENTION] [MENTION=1648]Lucylambchop[/MENTION] and myself screaming like a girl ... probably in harmony ...

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