What shampoo do you use and how often?

Dad to louie

New member
Oct 26, 2010
Bluff Park AL
Bulldog(s) Names
Sorry for all the questions but I am trying to learn as fast as possible about my new boy before I screw him up. lol

I saw someone used Selsun Blue to bath there dog with on another post and i am considering using it myself. But I thought I might see what other options there are. I am using a medicated shampoo that is through the roof expensive from my vet.

What does everyone else use? Also how often do you give your bully a bath? I don't mind giving mine a bath twice a week but I have heard you want to bathe them as little as possible to keep from drying them out. Which is pretty funny that putting them in the water more often will dry them out faster. lol

Thanks for any imput you can give. :up:
Selsun Blue Itchy Dry Scalp formula is what Gracie is using. She has only had one bath with it and its been almost two weeks because of her stitches but she has NO odor whatsoever. We normally would bathe her once a week and she would smell before the week was out, not now.
My vet and lindathedogsmaid recommend johnson's baby shampoo, once a week. She says that the pH balance is perfect for our bullies. But Stig uses an oatmeal based one for now to help with his itchiness, which I think is working on top of his medication for mange. I heard Selsun blue is really good too.
I also use baby shampoo on my boys. I prefer to wash them every 2 weeks but tend to go more like 1 a month.:whistle: I used to use the doggy shampoos and found they didnt do anything better than the baby shampoo plus they smell better longer this way I think. I also use regular ol conditioner on them after, pantene is my fav. My boys dont have the itchy skin issues tho so maybe the selsun is better for you. Cant hurt to try diff ones till you find what works best for you.
Our shampoo is from the vet also, it is an anti-fungal, yeast shampoo, it really does not lather good and no smell to it, but also it leaves him with no smell. I think I am going to try the Selson Blue when this runs out. I bathe Vegas every two weeks, and by the time he is due, he is DUE!!
We use the Johnsons baby shampoo ..... you can even get the sensitive type if your bully has skin issues. I find it leaves them smelling good, and I don't have to worry as much about getting it in their eyes so I can actually wash a bit more of their face than I would with normal shampoos.
I do use Johnsons baby shampoo about every 3 days for a good facial cleaning, it does not burn their eyes. I use non-scented baby wipes EVERY day on his face/butt to get into the wrinkles.
Don't be shy, ask away!!!! I use the Tropiclean Hypo-allergenic/puppy formula. It's perfume and soap free, just smells like coconut a little because it has coconut oil in it. I use this because of Samson's allergies, soap and perfumes can irritate the skin so I just like to be careful. I try to give him a bath about everyother week.
I messaged Carolina Pet Pantry about shampoos and such:

CarolinaPet Pantry: yeast pro soap --- if its yeasty..... if its just itchy tea tree, or oatmeal and aloe.
Gertie and Ida are still pups (5 months old), so I use puppy shampoo, for the tearless part. It's probably about like baby shampoo, very mild and leaves them smelling nice. They don't get a bath as often now as they used to. When they were younger they got sometimes several baths a week because they'd be in a mess all the time. But now they get a bath about once every 3 or 4 weeks. They don't have any skin issues but I live in Az, VERY dry climate, so I try not to over do it. They will get a bath more often, if they need it tho.
I use oatmeal dog shampoo from Petsmart and usually bath her once a week or evey 2 if life is too crazy. I like this shampoo but will definately try the selson blue once it runs out. I do wash her face and butt everyday with unscented baby wipes.
When my bulldogs were puppies I used Johnson's baby shampoo. If they had itcy, dry skin I used a dandruff shampoo, however this can be too harsh for them in between baths.

If they have any kind of yeast or even normal skin you can mix apple cider vinegar in with any all natural shampoos. Remember, baby shampoo and dandruff is not all natural. The apple cider vinegar helps with the yeast immensely. I even use it as an ear flush and put it in their water. You can also get tea tree oil, or lavender oil to help and mix with all natural shampoos.

My best selling shampoo in my store is Banana Itch Relief Shampoo

If you are going to use apple cider vinegar make sure it is the organic non filtered kind. It is awesome!!!
we have used oatmeal/baking soda powder from petsmart since lex was about a month old, it has worked great on him. we bathe once a week and havent ever had a problem. he is very low maintence for a bullie
Frequency of Bathing

Hi there. Just wanna know if there's some bad effect if u rinse ur bully with just simple plain water often (like almost everyday)? I lived in Asia & the weather here gets really hot sometime. My bully LOVES to take a rinse right after his daily evening walk/exercise routine. He voluntarily walks in the shower & wait for me there. I used oatmeal w/baking soda shampoo once a week. Otherwise, he will smell like a cloth that didn't dry well & kept it in a closet lol Please advice...
[MENTION=958]Alpha[/MENTION] I wouldnt think there would be anything wrong with rinsing your bully regularly. Aside from maybe drying out the skin? You would know if that were to become an issue tho so just watch for it I suppose. I am sure others will have opinions but I cant think of anything wrong with it. Would love to see pics of your bully. :)

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