What do you do????


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Community Veteran
Jan 31, 2010
Apple Valley Ca
Bulldog(s) Names
Sir Pendragon of Brymar(Chief for short) And Lady Ireland of Brymar
Ok sorry for so many questions lol..

But what would you do when switching foods (my bigger dogs) and they decide to eat all the new food in the bowl and leave the old food? My boxer was scooting the "old food" to the side and eating the Canidae only lol..
Um, hmmmmm. Maybe no more food until he eats the old food up?
hmmmm... Chester eats anything. But, if he didn't, I'd probably spoil him and just give him what he likes. :)
wow that is a smart pup! My boys dont know the diff or else are just too lazy to try and separate it out. I mix it pretty well or so I think but if your dog is picky maybe there isnt enough mixing to do. lol.
hmmmm... Chester eats anything. But, if he didn't, I'd probably spoil him and just give him what he likes. :)

Ditto that! Lola will eat anything, thank goodness and if not yep i would cave and give her what she wants :-). Wish i was that spoiled.
Our shih-tzu poodle mix is very good with that, and she is VERY good at picking it all out. So we just tip the food she left back in the measuring cup and then fill it up to the level next time .... gradually they learn.

I came from a working-class family ............ we don't waste food and neither do my dogs ..........LOL :bully::lol:

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