Welcome EriK & Winston


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Va Beach, VA
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi Everyone! My name is Erik and I just joined today. I own a male English Bulldog name Winston, he is 12 weeks and is an absolute joy in our home. I look forward to interacting with all of you and really happy to join this unique group of dog owners.
Re: Tutorial: Welcome new members- About our forums and how it all works

Hi Everyone! My name is Erik and I just joined today. I own a male English Bulldog name Winston, he is 12 weeks and is an absolute joy in our home. I look forward to interacting with all of you and really happy to join this unique group of dog owners.

Welcome to the site, we are happy to have you!
Welcome Erik & Winston! I moved the two above posts to the Welcome and Introduction Forum, so that it is viewed more by our regular members.

You little Winston is adorable, I hope you visit us often. There is so much more to bulldogs than anyone (including myself) realizes.... :D

Cannot wait to hear your stories, please post any questions you have.
Oh my gosh what a cutie!!!! Welcome to the site! Is this your first eb? Congrats on getting him, cant wait to hear all about his fun he has growing up! If you have any questions please ask! There is a lot of mixed experience here so you will find most all the answers you will need. Oh and we love pics so post some more please. :)
Welcome, to this wonderful supportive site. You have found the right place. Any questions, concerns, no matter how big or small is welcomed here.

You little Winston just melts my heart, I can't wait to see more of him.
Hi! I recently joined the site and absolutely love it! I have a 19 month old English Bulldog. I love the pic absolutely too cute! Take care.
Welcome! And yes, little Winston is one of the cutest babies bullies I've ever seen!
Welcome to the forum. We are seriously addicted to photos and videos! We need them on a daily basis like some people need coffee!
Welcome to the group! Have you had other English Bulldogs before? If not, they are unlike any other dog! They are so lovable, but very stubborn!
I think Winston is the cutest baby bully I've ever seen! Welcome, hope you enjoy it here. As others said, please post more pics, we love them! Also make sure you check out the photo of the month contests, they're fun and you can win awesome prizes donated by some great sponsors!
Welcome Erik & Winston! Winston is adorabull!

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