We lost precious Sophie June 12, 2020

Bubba and I are very sorry and deeply saddened to hear of your loss. Sophie obviously brought a lot of love and joy to your life as I'm sure you did to hers.
Thank you so much, everybully!

It's been 2 weeks, and the grieving seems to be getting even harder :(

Looking back, we feel sad because she really went through A LOT of medical
stuff the last few years, and I'm starting to think it was her "time". A few years
ago, she required eye surgery.
Then last year, she had her spleen removed (MAJOR surgery---but she did fine!).
And THEN, a few months later, she had a large cyst on her ear that required
yet another surgery. It was sad to see how much all of this had aged her...
poor baby!!! It's good to know she's just resting now :)

Wanted to share CUTE piks from her 8th birthday.
(We also celebrated her 9th in April, but I wanted to share these in particular because
she just looked SO sweet in her wittle crown).

Thank you so much, everybully!

It's been 2 weeks, and the grieving seems to be getting even harder :(

Looking back, we feel sad because she really went through A LOT of medical
stuff the last few years, and I'm starting to think it was her "time". A few years
ago, she required eye surgery.
Then last year, she had her spleen removed (MAJOR surgery---but she did fine!).
And THEN, a few months later, she had a large cyst on her ear that required
yet another surgery. It was sad to see how much all of this had aged her...
poor baby!!! It's good to know she's just resting now :)

Wanted to share CUTE piks from her 8th birthday.
(We also celebrated her 9th in April, but I wanted to share these in particular because
she just looked SO sweet in her wittle crown).


She will always be with you... they have a piece of your heart and never leave it.

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(( hugs )) to anybully who needs one!

Wow, it's hard to believe tomorrow will be one year!

I still cry about her pretty often; which I think is healthy, even though it HURTS !!! :(
Everything I've read about grieving says you MUST deal with it, so I kinda joke that I have
DEFINITELY *dealt* with it, maybe even too much!:tongue:

I've been SAYING i'm going to see a grief counselor, but haven't yet. Has anybully else gone for pet loss?
No counselor needed. When one passes, it makes room for another rescue. So we celebrate the great life we gave one, and look forward to saving another…all the while wondering who’s saving who.

BTW, she was extra cute under that birthday crown!

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