Missing our precious Meaty !!!


Active member
Jun 17, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Meaty, Sophie, & sometimes fosters
Hi fellow bulldog lovers,
I still can't believe that our Meaty is gone---he turned THIRTEEN in November 2021....which was pawsome !!!!
It's been 3 weeks, and I am still crying so often, and it has just WORN ME DOWN! My hubby took succcch
great care of them and misses them terribly, too.

We ALSO lost our 9-year-old bulldog Sophie back in June of 2020---so, THREE doggies lost during
this "damn-demic!" Grieving her has been complicated.....since her death was partially due
to vet error in the emergency hospital.

Aside from Meaty, 2 weeks before he died, our sweet, adopted pug also died. Ugh, as if that wasn't heartbreaking
enough !!!! He only adopted us in Sept. of 2020, so we're thankful for the almost year-and-a-half that he
was with us! He had multiple health issues, but with pawsome vet care, we believed he had at least 2-3 years left.

This is Meaty on his birthday, along with his sweet precious brother Little Guy :luv:
His EYES expressed such tenderness and love----it's soo hard to look at his piks and videos!


Awww.....this pik cracks me UP! :tongue: I love the way Meaty doesn't mind that Little Guy has his paw
in his face.


My sweeet Meaty-tine in 2016
Oh gosh... I'm so very sorry for your losses. Meaty's eyes look so sweet, and he lived to be 13... that is amazing. It looks like they had a wonderful life w/you and your family :heart:
That's a lot to endure in a short time...my deepest sympathies for your losses.
When we experience the loss of a canine family member we TRY to find comfort in knowing that that loss opens the door for another rescue that needs us. Filling those empty spaces left by the losses has always helped with the healing.
You have done great work getting Meaty to 13 years...never question that remarkable accomplishment...and TYVM for rescuing!
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Sending love and prayers for you. I do know the feeling of these losses, and the hurt and sadness that comes with it. Been there too many times.Thank you for the pics of your beautiful dogs.
So much loss and pain in a short period of time… so very sorry. Know they are always with you and try to focus on all the great memories.

sending hugs and love to you all

rest well sweet babies.

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