Wants momma’s milk!??


Aug 4, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hey bullie lovers!! Me and Brisket were hanging out watching some tv when he suddenly started whining. I put him on the floor and he ran to his bed and started trying to get milk out of it like he was still suckling his momma. It nearly broke my heart. He whined so much. He’s 9 weeks now, and we’ve had him for 3, is there anything I can do? Think he got weaned too early? He was the runt so maybe he didn’t get enough?:mellow:

Normally puppies shouldn’t leave their mom and litter until a minimum of 8 weeks.

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Yes, if he left at 6 weeks that is early, 8 is earliest and best is 9-11 weeks.
[MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION] [MENTION=2]bullmama[/MENTION] [MENTION=3354]RiiSi[/MENTION] any suggestions to help the little guy?

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Thanks! I will be sure to add that to his diet then. I’m not sure why the breeder was so eager to send them off at 6 weeks. Poor thing.
Oh my. Since he is 9 weeks now he doesn't need milk anymore. That damage is done. He should of been with his mom and litter mates until 8 weeks, absolute minimum of 7 weeks. One week at that age make the world of difference. Being the runt it would of been responsible for the breeder to keep him as long as he/she could be sure he is really ok. Since the breeder let him go at that age you can't really be sure the poor baby was properly taken after until you got him. I haven't dealt with anything like this, so only advice I have is feed him the best food possible, preferably at least some raw. You can add some sourmilk to his food, but I personally would not use puppy milk anymore. Lots of love and socialization.
I know nothing about nutrition but to me the sucking behaviour sounds like he might need more closeness. I'm sure you hold him and cuddle him, but unless you are familiar with the concept 'attachment parenting', google it to see if that is something you can use for the pup. It's all about creating a close bond with the baby and in my experience (admittedly limited to one bulldog) it works on fur kids too. Perhaps you can let him sleep in your arms, and if he whines, check if he wants to be close to you rather than putting him on the floor (like you would not leave a crying baby alone or put him in his cot but rather hold him and sing to him to help him go back to sleep). Best of luck!
Aww I wanna cry!! I can’t believe my poor baby was robbed of that too young! I have only had Oreo since he was a puppy and we got him at 7 weeks, so I didn’t even realize that 6 weeks was not an appropriate time to have separated them from their mom. I do cuddle him and hold him all the time. After he eats, he will run around outside and play some with his fur brother, and often will come up to where I am sitting and bark at me until I pick him up (which is not long), and sleep in my arms. We try to allow him to sleep in our bed at night, but he’s still potty training and is also in the land shark phase, so it’s hard to do that at night, but during the day, he is always near me or on my lap. At night he cuddles with Oreo in their bed. I am expecting a call today from a natural pet supply store in the area that is going to walk me through their preferred raw products for him ( since I know little to nothing about feeding raw) and place an order for pickup on Thursday, so I will add that instead of the puppy milk. Ugh! I wish I had known this sooner. I hope it doesn’t affect him negatively in the future :*(
Ugh... this is SO heartbreaking!!! We kept our pups until 8 weeks, and even then we kept the runt... he had issues and we refused to sell him.

Anyhoo... maybe get a stuffed animal that he can cuddle with, if you can't hold him all day (totally understand... Lol). What hasn't been mentioned is that good momma's teach their pups SO many things at this early stage... how to get along with their siblings, and they let them know when they've had enough of the playtime...Lol I think your baby will be fine because you CARE... and that is all any baby truly needs :heart:
Aww I wanna cry!! I can’t believe my poor baby was robbed of that too young! I have only had Oreo since he was a puppy and we got him at 7 weeks, so I didn’t even realize that 6 weeks was not an appropriate time to have separated them from their mom. I do cuddle him and hold him all the time. After he eats, he will run around outside and play some with his fur brother, and often will come up to where I am sitting and bark at me until I pick him up (which is not long), and sleep in my arms. We try to allow him to sleep in our bed at night, but he’s still potty training and is also in the land shark phase, so it’s hard to do that at night, but during the day, he is always near me or on my lap. At night he cuddles with Oreo in their bed. I am expecting a call today from a natural pet supply store in the area that is going to walk me through their preferred raw products for him ( since I know little to nothing about feeding raw) and place an order for pickup on Thursday, so I will add that instead of the puppy milk. Ugh! I wish I had known this sooner. I hope it doesn’t affect him negatively in the future :*(

Bad that the breeder let go of him so early but good that you provide a caring and loving environment!
Aww I wanna cry!! I can’t believe my poor baby was robbed of that too young! I have only had Oreo since he was a puppy and we got him at 7 weeks, so I didn’t even realize that 6 weeks was not an appropriate time to have separated them from their mom. I do cuddle him and hold him all the time. After he eats, he will run around outside and play some with his fur brother, and often will come up to where I am sitting and bark at me until I pick him up (which is not long), and sleep in my arms. We try to allow him to sleep in our bed at night, but he’s still potty training and is also in the land shark phase, so it’s hard to do that at night, but during the day, he is always near me or on my lap. At night he cuddles with Oreo in their bed. I am expecting a call today from a natural pet supply store in the area that is going to walk me through their preferred raw products for him ( since I know little to nothing about feeding raw) and place an order for pickup on Thursday, so I will add that instead of the puppy milk. Ugh! I wish I had known this sooner. I hope it doesn’t affect him negatively in the future :*(

Raw goats milk might be a good option.... he had a rough start but he is in great hands and a loving home

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Ugh... this is SO heartbreaking!!! We kept our pups until 8 weeks, and even then we kept the runt... he had issues and we refused to sell him.

Anyhoo... maybe get a stuffed animal that he can cuddle with, if you can't hold him all day (totally understand... Lol). What hasn't been mentioned is that good momma's teach their pups SO many things at this early stage... how to get along with their siblings, and they let them know when they've had enough of the playtime...Lol I think your baby will be fine because you CARE... and that is all any baby truly needs :heart:

He has a stuffed puppy, and Oreo provides that cuddling as well... Sometimes I think Oreo might have been better off a momma! Brisket is with me on my lap or asleep on my arm most of the day, and at night he sleeps beside Oreo in their big bed. Oreo has had experience with one other pup, Twix. He helped us raise him as well and taught him quite a bit, and I am seeing him do the same with Brisket. He plays with him, and also cleans him up, and teaches him when playtime is over and its time to sleep. He might even be helping with the shark Biting!

I am doing all I can, and so is my husband to cuddle him and stay close to him when he needs it. When he's not playing with Oreo, he is in someone's arms (mostly mine). I love iT!
He has a stuffed puppy, and Oreo provides that cuddling as well... Sometimes I think Oreo might have been better off a momma! Brisket is with me on my lap or asleep on my arm most of the day, and at night he sleeps beside Oreo in their big bed. Oreo has had experience with one other pup, Twix. He helped us raise him as well and taught him quite a bit, and I am seeing him do the same with Brisket. He plays with him, and also cleans him up, and teaches him when playtime is over and its time to sleep. He might even be helping with the shark Biting!

I am doing all I can, and so is my husband to cuddle him and stay close to him when he needs it. When he's not playing with Oreo, he is in someone's arms (mostly mine). I love iT!

he may also just end up being a suckler.... many bullies do this when tired or need to sooth themselves.
[MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION] ... Wally is, isn’t he?
...I personally would not use puppy milk anymore. Lots of love and socialization.
This is VERY important!!! All puppies(especially Stubborn breeds like Bulldogs) need those last 2 weeks(7&8) to hone their socialization skills or for Mom to hone those skills for them. Without Mom to curb their chewing & biting and other undesirable tendencies they will likely get out of hand. As sorry as you feel for this little one I'm betting that it will take some tough love to keep Brisket in line. Best to do it now than to have to deal with it later. Take what you've learned here and put it to work. You have just graduated Bulldog Alpha-School and now you need to put your learnin's to work. Continuing Ed is always available here!
Do not allow Brisket free run of the home...yet. Make him earn it.
Do not allow Brisket to chew anyone's (especially yours) shoes, pants, legs, hands, arms, ankles, or feet! Yell at him when he does it and replace what he's chewing with a chew toy. Repeat, repeat, repeat! If he does not comply, kennel him(Time Out!). Don't let the whining and crying get to you. You are teaching him to behave. He's not supposed to like it.
Please keep us posted on his behavior...we'd love to be part of grooming him into the best Bulldog ever.
Ideally, none of what I have said will matter at all and Brisket will act absolutely perfect from this day forward.
Nah, that little stinker is going to take over your home without your guidance and "tough love".
The breeder is an idiot for letting him go so early. But that's water under the bridge now. You have some good advice above. That baby is hungry, and should be fed at least 3 to 4 times a day for a few more weeks then go to 3 times a day until he is 6 to 7 months of age then go to twice a day, but the same amount just split in half. Plus then you can switch to adult food. A growing pup needs plenty of food and water to develop properly.

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