Tutorial: Creating a Blog for you - or your dog


Staff member
Jan 27, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Molly, Mandy, Jesse, Yuna & Tidus
Hey, I am the first to admit that I love Blogs. Especially dog blogs! I know that many of us would like to pretend to be our dogs talking, and that makes it things a bit fun and giddy. We will allow you to create a user ID specifically for your dog if you wish, so that you can create a custom profile for your dog as well. Please be sure to edit your original profile to include your alternate UserID field so we know who's dog blog belongs to who. :)

I have created two catagories in our Blog Section. If you click on "Blogs" on the Navagation bar, you can start a daily blog.

So what is a blog? A blog is an online journal, about your everyday experiences, and could be about anything. Just stuff. That's all. A bit different than posting on the forum, it is random thoughts, experiences, but instead of keeping them in a book under your mattress, you share it with the internet.

You can comment on a blog as well. As soon as you comment on a blog, you are automatically subscribed to the blog and will receive an email notification if anyone comments on it.

To create a Blog:

Go to the Community News page at the top of any forum page at the site. Look for the box on the left called "Fun Forum Features". Click on "Blogs".

Click on the "Create New Post" button:


Create your blog, and choose what catagory it belongs to:


Create your online blog today! :)
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