The Humping Fool


Jul 11, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Bentley, Linus, Truman
Truman got neutered at 16 weeks during his hip surgery, about a week ago. Before then, he never really humped anything. Since then, he's been trying to hump Linus quite a bit.

As someone who has owned two male bullies for most of my time as a dog owner, I've seen some humping before but it was almost always BEFORE the dog got neutered.

My question is why might the humping start AFTER the neuter and also, I understand this is a somewhat natural behavior pertaining to dominance. I have scolded Truman when he humps Linus but is there is function to this behavior or a reason I should perhaps let it play out in establishing a pecking order - with me on top of course. :)
Hi Diesel was doing this alot to my husband's leg and and also to my 15 year old son when he would play on the floor with him. The trainer we were going to said it's natural for puppies and they do this when they are over excited. We were told to just tell him no and don't laugh or make a big deal about it and he will stop. He is now 10 months old and he very seldom does it. Just when he gets over excited. Yes, he is neutered.
Vegas was neutered over a year ago he is 14 months old now, and he is a humper too. Any one that walks into my house to visit, he tries to hump. I do not think it is hormones I think it a dominance issue personally. When I sit close to my husband on the couch he even tries to hump me :eek:. What we try to do to correct this behavior is put him down on his side and hold him there until he settles down (breathing etc..) we do NOT put a choke hold, just a firm, "your not getting up until you settle down and behave" hold. He has learned to settle down fast, then he is allowed up, BUT that does not mean during the course of our visitors he will not try it again before they leave and we start the whole process over, I don't know what else to do, yelling at him did not stop it. :confused:
Thanks, this is helpful. I don't want to fight nature necessarily but I want to curb this behavior before it becomes a bigger problem. Truman will not hump me but he gets on Linus sometimes but a mild correction usually snaps him out of it so perhaps it is just that he is excited. Bentley never humped much and Linus only humps my friend's German Shepherd and my Dyson...his two vices! :)
When we had our Vegas fixes, the vet said that the behavior might continue for a few weeks. After that, it should stop. It did. Vegas doesn't try to hump anyone or anything. Then again, he doesn't lift his leg to pee. Hmmmmm!?!:confused:
LOL, how funny "HE doesn't lift his leg to Pee" MY Vegas pees like a girl too! I thought that his weight was too overbearing for the short legs, I mentioned this to my vet and my vet said "No he is just being a lazy boy!!" When I have him at the dog park in cooler weather and people see him first, they love him because they have never seen this breed before in real life, second, they ask how old SHE is because they see HIM pee!! (and he is fixed, so you can't see the male part) I had to laugh at this comment. Thanks now I know I am not the only one with a lazy boy!!:heart:
Bear has been humping since 5 months old, here and there but not consistently. He will not be neutered either so I am probably in for it. My beagle is 12 years and has been fixed since he was a puppy and he has intermittently humped stuff. :bully:

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