The Ecstasy of Butt Cleaning


Jul 11, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Bentley, Linus, Truman
I was curious if those bully owners that clean out bully tail/tail pockets get the same reaction I do when I clean my boys' tails?

When I make a move towards the baby wipes, a near riot breaks out because they know what is coming. Jumping and jockeying for position ensues and when I finally start cleaning one of their butts, they go into a trace and start licking the air. It is comical and, clearly, it feels really, really good.

Does anyone else's bully do this? I am 3 for 3 with bullies who LOVE to have their bottoms cleaned!
I dont have to clean Cuttys pocket often cuz it is always clean, thankfully BUT he does LOVE it when I do. Licking like crazy. I figure I love my back scratched under my bra, where it doesnt get a good scratch often so imagine them not ever getting a scratch there until cleaning time. Must feel good. lol.
heck ya and if you start scratchin their butts lex will sometimes do the flea bite on anything that he can get ahold of!
This is so true- it is funny how they lick the air out of utter enjoyment!!!
Mr.Beefy does not like having his pocket cleaned or his butt wiped:( i think its because i have to do it so much... i'm jealous

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