Tear Stain Question?!?


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Wonderland, Texas!
Bulldog(s) Names
Chev Chelios && Faith
So I've got a question for you guys! We recently got our little girl Faith. She has a brindle patch over one eye && the other eye is white. Well on the white eye she has tear stains. I clean && wipe her face on a daily basis && they still don't go away. :/ Chelios never had this problem so i'm not sure what else I can do to get rid of them? Any suggestions PLeASe??? Thanks a Bunches!!
keep area as dry as pos. but you can try baby desitin, it comes in a white paist or clear. that is what I have been told to use. Also make sure dog food has NO beet pulp in it. can also use angel eyes or clear eyes. just dont use peroxide!!makes worse.
Chester's face is the same way..one eye brindle..the other white - with a tear stain. I can honestly say we've tried it all.. "Angel Eyes".. food with no dyes.. peroxide/cornstarch..and NOTHING gets rid of it. We clean with baby wipes every day normally. We are resigned to having a "stained tear" baby :(
Our bully is red and white with an all white face. He has a stain on each side but more prominent on the right. I already give him filtered water from the fridge but recently bought tear stain remover and I changed his food to Avoderm. The vet said it will take several weeks to notice a difference, we are on week 3 and its getting better. In addition we wipe his wrinkles after he drinks and i put cornstarch in his wrinkles at night to keep them dry.

I decided to change the food to Avoderm because its supposed to help with other problems too like with the skin, fur, etc and I just figured that if he were on it he would have less chance with skin problems and allergies.

Before I did this I did the peroxide with cornstarch and made a paste and did that.
Angel Eyes worked awesome for Zen. Not only did it clear the stains away when he was a puppy, they actually went away permanently. He hasn't used it in a couple of years and he does not have any tear stains. He is white so they would be obvious if we couldn't get rid of them. You can order it online. The picture I attached is 1 1/2 years after we stopped using it.


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Can I get angel eyes at petsmart or petco??
Oh wow. Thanks Everyone for the help! :)
I'm going change her water && to try this "angel eyes" hopefully it'll work for Faith!
you have to order angel eyes online...i usually order mine through amazon.com i also use filtered water from the fridge and have noticed that spike's tear stains are gone...along w changing his food from purina puppy chow to royal canin....good luck

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