
New member
Dec 27, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
My 3yo EBD, Squash, woke up 5 days ago and couldnā€™t get out of bed. We later realized it was because he couldnā€™t put pressure on his back left leg though he hasnā€™t shown any signs of pain.
We immediately ran him to the vet. They took X-rays, blood tests, tick and heart disease tests. All came back normal. The only thing was he had a slight fever 103degrees and the lymph node on the leg that heā€™s not putting pressure on is slightly enlargened. Squash seems uncomfortable not being able to walk but doesnā€™t seem to be in any pain even when I try massaging the area.

Our vet said that he was pretty puzzled about the results even consulted with colleagues about squashes case. Basically all in all saying it could be a sign of infection, inflammation or (I donā€™t even want to type it) cancer. He prescribed him 2 antibiotics and a pain med 5 days ago but the leg hasnā€™t improved at all.
Iā€™m really panicking about what to do. Thereā€™s a number of specialist my vet has suggested we see for next steps (oncology, orthopedic, internal medicine) none covered by our vet insurance and not a clue which one would be best to see given the information we know.

Iā€™ve also had another bulldog parent recommend a bulldog specialist in our area but his next appt is in 3 weeks!!!
Someone else suggested trying a holistic vet for acupuncture, chiropractic and lymphatic massage.

Has anyone had something similar happen to their EBD??
Really looking for any help in what to do next.
Sometimes my Willow will do this... she is small, and loves to jump on the furniture. She will limp on her back leg, and I will give her a couple of days and then she is totally fine. Did Squash do anything to strain his leg? Is everything else normal... eating, playing, going potty?!!
[MENTION=19994]Squash[/MENTION] I love the name! What I would do right now, is keep squash as quiet as possible( rest) when he goes out-on a leash, do not let him jump at all, or go up and down steps, rub his leg and hip with frankensense (sp?) oil, and put ice packs on it.
Sometimes my Willow will do this... she is small, and loves to jump on the furniture. She will limp on her back leg, and I will give her a couple of days and then she is totally fine. Did Squash do anything to strain his leg? Is everything else normal... eating, playing, going potty?!!

Everything else is normal. Heā€™s not eating quite as much because heā€™s basically on bedrest but his stool looks good and he doesnā€™t look sick or in pain.
Thank you! It has been hard to keep him resting but weā€™ve been trying to prevent him from our stairs and jumping on the couch! Iā€™ll look into finding some frankensense! Is that good for inflammation?
Thank you! It has been hard to keep him resting but weā€™ve been trying to prevent him from our stairs and jumping on the couch! Iā€™ll look into finding some frankensense! Is that good for inflammation?

Agree with [MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION]!! My go to is frankincense. Iā€™ve been using it for years. Buy with online from DoTerra or Young Living. DoTerra is same quality but less expensive. Both mine are very active. Nyala isnā€™t a jumper but a big runner n Jake my white face is the jumper. Heā€™ll jump 3ft in the air n land on his feet like nothing. He scares me I swear. Iā€™ve started to give both this year CBD oil every day, both on raw diet n Iā€™ve cut their diet to smaller portions. Both lost weight. Jake didnā€™t need to be on a diet but the way he jumps, I rather he be 10lbs less. Nyala was slowing down n now she lost 10lbs and she back to herself. Speedy Gonzalez. I doubt yours at 3yrs old itā€™s Cancer. Very rare. It can happen but rare. Start massaging him with frankincense. I use it straight n not diluted. Or...you can add a teaspoon of coconut oil n 10 drops of frankincense since itā€™s a limp.
Hmmm going to put your link in the Essential Oil thread. Good catch Missy!! Thanks!

Thanks so much for all the helpful info!!! Iā€™m ordering that now! Hopefully in a few weeks Iā€™ll be back on here raving about how well it worked :)
Thanks so much for all the helpful info!!! Iā€™m ordering that now! Hopefully in a few weeks Iā€™ll be back on here raving about how well it worked :)

Itā€™s really a great oil. Make sure you do it morning, mid afternoon n before bed. Itā€™s you see an improvement n remove the mid day one. If you know where exactly the issue is n itā€™s straight frankincense without diluting, put a 3-4 drops right into the area n started massage fast so you donā€™t leave it sitting on the fur.

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